Glosa Inter-Reti Diktionaria, "Centra"

Glosa Internet Dictionary, English-Glosa, "Core"

Persons who have - more or less directly - worked on this file:
Wendy Ashby (Glosa author), Paul Bartlett, Ron Clark (Glosa author), Charles Ganson, Robin Gaskell, Nick Hempshall, Gary Miller, William Patterson (former editor), Kevin Smith, Marcel Springer (maintainer of this list,

Date: see end of this file.

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z


a                u (before all consonants but h, else =un); 
                   un (before vowels and h, else =u) 
a. m.            pre meso-di 
abandon (give up)  cede; sto 
abandon (go away)  ki ab; linqi 
abbey            religio-do 
abbreviate       brevi 
abbreviation     brevi 
abide (endure)   tolera 
abiding          dura 
ability          abili; arti; pote 
abjure           linqi 
ablaze           piro 
able             abili; pote; praxi 
abolish          nuli; sto 
abort            fini; nuli; sto 
about            cirka; de; proxi 
about (location)  cirka 
above            supra 
abroad           extra landa 
abrupt           subito 
absent           ab 
absolute         holo 
absolve          libe 
absolve (from sin or guilt)  pardo 
absorb           trakto in 
abstain          nega; sto 
abstract         mero 
absurd           fatuo; stupidi 
abundant         mega; multi; poli 
abyss            kavita; lakuna 
accelerate       bali 
accept           cepti 
access (get)     gene 
accident         mal-acide 
acclaim          celebra 
accomodate       kamera 
accomplish       sucede; reali; akti; gene 
accord           akorda 
according to     akorda 
account          konto 
accumulate       kumu 
accurate         exakti; kura 
accusation       etio 
accustom         sti more 
ache             algo 
acid             akidi 
acid ("sharp" taste)  akuto 
acknowledge      akorda; rekogni 
acquire          gene 
across           dia; horizo; trans 
act              akti; praxi 
acting           praxi 
action           akti 
active           akti; aktivi 
actor            drama-pe 
actor (male)     drama-an 
actress          drama-fe 
actual           reali 
actuate          praxi 
acute            akidi 
adapt            gru 
add              adi; suma 
additional       plus 
address          eko; eko-lo 
adequate         deko; sati 
adhere           hesi 
adhesive         hesi 
adjoin           proxi 
adjourn          fu 
adjust           ma-boni 
administer       kura 
administrator    manu-pe 
admiration       mira 
admire           mira 
admissible       lice 
admission        permito 
admit            konfesi; permito 
admittance       permito 
admonish         monito 
adopt            cepti 
adoration        fo-amo 
adore            adora 
adorn            orna 
adult            matura-pe 
advance          avanti 
advantage        auxi; profito 
adventure        excite viagia 
advertise        publika 
advertisement    publika 
advice           konsili; monito 
advise           konsili; monito 
aeroplane        aeroplana 
afar             tele 
affair           pragma; (-)ra 
affect           influ; muta 
affection        amo 
afford           habe sati tem; habe sati valuta 
afraid           este fobo 
afresh           re 
after            po 
after noon       po meso-di 
afternoon        po meso-di 
afterwards       po-co 
again            itera; re 
against          anti; kontra 
age              eva 
aged             paleo 
agent            agenti 
aggravate        ma-mali 
ago              pre; retro 
a little while ago   pre 
agree            akorda; gru 
agreed!          ja 
agreement        harmoni 
have an agreement   harmoni 
agriculture      agrikultura 
ahead            ante; avanti 
aid              auxi 
aim              buta; fini; tende 
air              aero; gasi 
airplane         aeroplana 
alarm            fobo 
alas             tristi 
alcohol          alkoholi 
ale              bira 
alert            prepara; vigi 
-algia           algo 
alien            xeno 
alight           piro 
alike            homo 
alive            vive 
all              panto (or short form pan) 
alley            steno-via 
allow            lase; permito 
be allowed       lice 
ally (person)    asocia 
ally (state)     asocia 
ally (v)         asocia 
almost           proxi 
aloft            alti 
alone            solo 
along            longi 
alongside        proxi 
aloud            fono; soni 
already          pre-nu 
also             plus; plus-co 
alter            muta 
alternate        alterna 
alternative      alo 
although         alterna; anti; anti-co 
altitude         alti 
altogether       numera panto-pe; numera panto-ra 
always           panto-tem 
am               es 
AM               pre meso-di 
am (time)        pre meso-di 
amass            kumu 
amaze            mira 
amazement        mira 
ambassador       ambasadora 
ambient          peri 
ambition         fo-volu 
amble            ambula 
amiable          ami 
amid             meso 
amiss            mali 
among            inter 
amount           qantita 
ample            lati; plati; sati 
amuse            amusa 
amusement        amusa 
an               u (before all consonants but h, else =un); 
                   un (before vowels and h, else =u) 
analysis         lisi 
ancient          paleo 
and              e; plus 
angel            angeli 
anger            koleri 
angle            gono 
angle (v)        kapti piski 
angry            koleri 
animal           zoa 
ankle            pedi-artri 
announce         deklara; info; publika; sti ski 
annoy            vexa 
annoyance        koleri 
annual           anua 
anoint           olea 
another          hetero; plus 
answer           reakti 
answer negatively  nega 
ant              formika 
ante meridiem    pre meso-di 
anxiety          anxio 
anxious          anxio; nervoso 
any (=a(n))      u (before all consonants but h, else =un); 
                   un (before vowels and h, else =u) 
any (any/some)   uno(-) 
any (whatever)   ali 
any time         ali kron 
any- (any/some)  uno(-) 
anybody (somebody)  uno-pe 
anyhow (anyway)  ali-mode 
anyone (someone)  uno-pe 
anyone (whoever)  ali-pe 
anything (=something, a thing, act or quality undefined or unspecified)   
anything (of every item you care to choose)  ali-ra 
anyway (anyhow)  ali-mode 
anywhere         ali-lo 
apart            apo 
apartment        kamera; kamera-fa 
ape              simia 
apologize        dice penite 
apparatus        instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   -me (short affix form of mekani); mekani; 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
apparent         feno 
appeal           petitio 
appear           feno; surge 
appearance       feno 
appetite         fo-volu 
applaud          lauda 
apple            pomi 
appliance        -me (short affix form of mekani); mekani 
application (computer)  programa 
appoint          elekti 
approach         mode; proxi 
appropriate      deko 
approval         amo; lauda 
approve          amo; lauda 
approximate      proxi 
approximately    proxi 
apt              deko 
arch (archway)   arca 
archway          arca 
ardor            zelo 
are              es 
area             area; loka 
arena            arena 
argue            disputa 
arid             sika 
arise            surge 
arm              braki 
arm (v)          arma 
armor            arma 
armour           arma 
arms             arma 
army             arme 
aroma            odoro 
around           cirka; peri 
arouse           sti vigi 
arrange          klasi; komposi; sistema; taxo 
arrangement      taxo 
arrest           rapi 
arrival          veni 
arrive           veni 
arrive at        veni a 
arrogance        aroga 
arrogant         aroga; vani 
art              arti 
article          artikla 
artificial       ge-face 
as (because)     ka; kausa 
as (equal)       iso 
as (while)       tem 
as ... as        iso ... de 
as soon as       imedia 
as well as       plus 
ash              cinera 
ashes            cinera 
aside            a latu 
ask              petitio; qestio 
ask for          demanda 
asleep           somni 
aspect           skope 
ass (buttocks)   dorsa 
assault          viole 
assemblage       unio 
assembly         unio 
assert           dice 
assist           auxi 
associate        asocia 
association      asocia; societa 
assume           postula 
assure           sura 
astern           poste 
astonish         mira 
astound          mira 
asylum           asilu 
at (location)    a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad); 
                   ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 
at (punctiform location)  topo (or short form to) 
at (time)        tem 
at last          a fini 
at once (immediately)  imedia 
at side          para 
at the same time as  gradu 
atmosphere       aero 
attach           liga; nexu 
attack           viole 
attempt          tenta 
attend           es la; kura 
attendance       kura 
attention        kura 
attitude         mode; sensi 
attract          trakto 
aunt             parenta-sorori 
authority        arki 
auto             vagona 
automatic        automati 
automobile       vagona 
autumn           sperma-tem 
autumnal         sperma-tem 
available        existe 
average          meso 
aversion         miso 
avoid            evita 
await            atende 
awake            vigi 
award            dona 
aware            ski de 
away             ab; apo 
go away          ki ab 
straight away    imedia 
take away        apo 
awkward          no-tekno 


baby             babi 
go back          retro; versi 
back (n)         dorsa; poste 
back (reverse)   versi 
set back         retro 
back again       retro 
back to begin    versi 
back to beginning  re 
back to start    versi 
background       fonda 
backside backwards  kontra 
backward         retro 
backwards        retro 
bad              kako; mali 
very bad         kako 
badge            insigni 
bag              saka 
bake             furna; kuko 
balance          libra 
ball             bola 
balloon          baluna 
ballot           elekti 
banana           banana 
band             banda 
band (strip)     banda 
bandage          banda 
bandit           klepto-pe 
bang (sound)     fo-soni 
bangle           orna-zo 
banish           bali ex 
bank (long seat)  benca 
bank (money)     banka 
bank account     konto 
banner           insigni 
baptize          bapti 
bar              baci 
bare             nudi 
barge            navi 
bark (dog)       voci 
barn             stora-do 
barrage          barage (French) 
barrel           kupa 
barrier          fragma 
base             basi; funda 
basin            kratera 
basis            basi 
basket           korbi 
bat              bate 
bat (n)          korina 
bath             lava 
take a bath      lava 
bathe            lava 
batho-           bato 
baton            baci 
batter           bate 
battle           milita 
bawl             voci 
bay              baia 
be               es 
be (equal)       eqa 
be present       es la 
beach            litora 
bead             globula 
beak             beka 
beam             radia 
beam (n)         traba 
beam (wooden)    ligni-bloka 
bean             faba 
bear (animal)    ursu 
bear (carry)     fero 
bear (endure)    tolera 
beard            barba 
beast            zoa 
beat             bate 
beating          bate 
beautiful        kali 
because          ka; kausa 
because of       kausa 
beckon           sema 
become           gene 
bed              kli 
bee              apis 
beef             bovi 
beer             bira 
beeswax          ceru 
before (place)   ante 
before (time)    pre 
before noon      pre meso-di 
beg              petitio 
begin            proto 
beginning        proto 
behalf           pro; vice 
on behalf of     favo; pro 
behave           akti 
behave negatively  nega 
behind           poste; retro 
being (n)        organismo; vive-ra 
being (participle of to be)  es 
belief           kredi 
believe          kredi 
bellow           voci 
belong           de 
below            infra; intra; sub (don't mix with su) 
belt             zona 
bench            benca 
bend             flexi 
bend (n)         kurva 
bend (v)         flexi; kurva 
bend over        klina 
beneath          infra; sub (don't mix with su) 
benefit          profito 
bent             ge-flexi 
benzine          benzina 
berry            koku 
beside           extra; para; proxi 
besides          plus-co 
best             maxi boni 
bet              divi 
betray           vend a non-ami 
better (n, something better)  ma-boni 
better (v)       ma-boni 
between          inter; meso 
beyond           ultra 
bicycle          bi-ciklo 
big              mega 
bigger           major 
bill             nota 
billow           unda 
bin              teka 
bind             liga; sponsa 
bird             avi 
birth            nati 
birthday         nati-di 
bit              mero 
bite             morda 
bitter           pikro 
bizarre          xeno 
black            melano 
blade            blada 
blame            etio 
bland            moli 
blank            vaku 
blanket          kli-te 
blare            fo-soni 
bleach           leuko 
bleed            lose hemo 
blend            mixa 
blind            no-vide 
block            bloka; plaka 
blond            blonda; xanto 
blood            hema 
bloom            flori 
blot             makula 
blotch           makula 
blow (air)       fla 
blow (hit)       tipo 
blow (n)         impakti 
blue             ciano 
sky blue         ciano 
blunder          ero 
blunt (not sharp)  non-akuto 
blunt (rude)     krudi 
blush            rubi 
board            taba 
boast            bombasti 
boat             navi 
body             soma 
boil             buli 
bomb             bomba 
bone             osteo 
bonny            boni 
book             bibli 
border           margina 
bore (hole)      fora 
bore (tire)      fatiga 
borer            fora-ru 
boring (adj)     no-stimula 
born             ge-nati 
borrow           tem-gene 
both             bi 
both (if two)    panto (or short form pan) 
both books       bi-ci bibli 
bother           turba; vexa 
bottle           botilia 
bottom           dorsa; funda 
bough            rami 
bounce           salta 
bound            limita 
boundary         horizo; limita 
boutique         boteka 
bovine           bovi 
bow (bend over)  klina 
bowels           intestina 
bowl             kratera 
wash bowl        kratera 
box              kapsu; teka 
boy              ju-an 
brake (n)        sto-me 
branch           rami 
branch off       furka 
brand            marka; speci 
brass            kupra-zinka 
brave            koragi 
bread            pani 
breadth          lati 
break            frakti; rupti 
breakfast        vora mo 
breast           toraci 
breast (female)  mama 
breath           spira 
breathe          spira 
breed            kruci 
bribe            merka 
brick            brika 
bridge           ponti 
brief            brevi 
bright           foto; radia 
brilliant (intelligent)  fo tekno 
brilliant (light)  radia 
brim             margina 
bring            fero ci 
brisk            aktivi; tako 
broad            lati; plati 
broadcast        difusi 
broadminded      liberali 
broken           ge-frakti 
brook            pusi-fluvi 
broom            brosa 
brother          an-sibi 
brother (or sister)  sibi 
brow (forehead)  fronta 
brown            bruno 
brush            brosa 
bubble           buli 
bucket           manu-va 
bud              gema 
bug (v)          oti 
build            face; stru 
building         domi 
bulb             bulbo 
bulge            tumo 
bullet           buleta 
bunch            (-)fa 
bundle           (-)fa 
burden           kargo 
bureau           buro 
burglar          klepto-pe 
burn (v)         piro 
burst            explode 
bus              bus 
bush             pusi dendro 
bush (thicket)   densi-lo 
business         ergo; negoti 
do business      negoti 
busy             aktivi; praxi 
but              anti-co; sed 
butt             buta 
butter           butiri 
buttock          dorsa 
buttocks         dorsa 
button           butona 
buy              merka 
buy (v)          merka 
buyer            merka-pe 
by (beside)      para 
by (marker of doer by passive voice)  ex 
by (near)        proxi 
by means of      per 


cab              taxi 
cabin (small house)  pusi-do 
cabinet (cupboard)  tena-mo 
cabinet (ministers)  plu krati-pe 
cacophony        kako-fono 
café             kafe 
cage             karcera 
cake             plaka 
calculate        puta; suma 
call             voci 
call (shout)     voci 
call (telephone)  kla 
calm             kalma 
camel            Kamelus 
camera (apparatus)  kamera 
camera (room)    kamera 
camp             kampu 
can (be able)    pote 
canal            kanali 
cancel           kancela; nuli 
cancer           kancera 
be a candidate   ofere se 
candle           kandela 
candle (sparking plug)  kandela 
canine           kani 
cannon           kanona 
cantata          kanta 
canvas (cloth)   kanava 
caoutchouc       gumi 
cap (hat)        kefa-ve 
capable          arti; pote 
capacity         volumi 
cape (land)      kapo 
capital (city)   kapitala 
capital (money)  kapitali 
capitulate       kapitula 
capsule          kapsu 
captain          kapitana 
capture          kapti 
car              vagona 
car-boot         stora 
card             karta 
cardboard        kartona 
care             kura 
care for         kulti; kura 
careful          kura 
caress           karesa 
cargo            kargo 
carpet           tape 
carpus           karpu 
carriage         vagona 
carrier          fero-pe 
carry            fero 
carry (support)  tena 
carry out        reali 
cart             kareta 
carton           kartona 
carve            seka 
cascade          kade 
case (container)  teka 
case (example, at court, condition, event)  kaso 
in the case of   kaso 
cash             valuta 
casing           tegu 
cast (throw)     bali 
castigate        puni 
castle           kastela 
casual           fortuna 
cat              feli 
catalogue        lista 
catch            kapti; rapi 
catch up with    veni a 
cattle           plu agri-zoa 
cause            etio; kausa; sti 
caution          kura 
cave             kaverno 
cavern           kaverno 
cavity           fosi; kavita 
cease            sto 
cease opposition  cede 
cede             cede 
ceiling          stego; tegu 
celebrate        celebra 
celestial        ciano 
cell (living)    celu 
cell (prison)    celu 
cement           cementa 
cemetery         morta-lo 
cent             centi 
center           centra 
central          centra 
centre           centra; meso 
centric          centra; meso 
centrical        centra; meso 
ceramic          kerami 
ceremony         ritu 
certain          certa; sura 
a certain        certa 
chain            katena 
chair            sedi-mo 
chalk            gipso 
challenge        defi 
chamber          kamera 
champion         campiona 
chance           fortuna; okasio 
change           muta; vari 
channel          kanali 
chapter          kapitula 
character        karakteri 
charge           demanda; kargo 
charge (load)    kargo 
charm            carma; magika 
charming         carma 
chart            carta 
chase (hunt)     casa 
chaste           morali 
chasten          puni 
chastise         puni 
cheap            pusi preci 
cheat            falsi 
check            verifi 
check (verify)   verifi 
cheek            buka 
cheeks           buka 
cheeky           impude 
cheer            sti hedo 
cheerful         alegro 
cheese           kasea 
cheque           ceka 
chest (anat)     toraci 
chest (box)      teka 
chicken          galina 
chief            arki; cefa 
child            infanti 
child (son or daughter)  fili 
childhood        infanti-tem 
chill            frigi 
chime            soni 
chimney          fumi-tubi 
chirp            pipa 
chloro-          kloro 
chocolate        cokolata 
choice           elekti 
choleric         koleri 
choose           elekti 
chop             seka 
chron-           kron 
church           religio-do 
churchyard       morta-lo 
cigarette        cigareta 
cinder           cinera 
cinema           kinema 
circa            cirka 
circle           ciklo 
circular         ciklo; rondo 
circumference    zona 
circumstance     acide; stato 
citizen          civi 
city             civita 
civil            civili 
civilization     civiliza 
civilize         civiliza 
claim            pretende 
make claim       pretende 
lay claim to     pretende 
clash            klasc; tipo 
clasp            fixa 
class            klasi; speci 
classify         klasi; taxo 
classroom        atri 
clatter          kako-fono 
clause           koma 
claw             ungu 
clay             kerami 
clean (adj)      puri 
clean (v)        puri 
clear (bright)   klari 
clear (distinct)  klari 
clear (easy to see through)  klari; luci 
clear (evident)  klari 
clear up         klari 
clearance (customs)  ofice 
cleave (cut)     seka 
clerk            buro-pe 
clever           tekno 
cleverness       strategi 
cliff            kremno 
climate          meteo 
climax           akro 
climb            skende 
cling            hesi 
clock            horo-me 
clod             amorfo 
close (near)     proxi 
close (v)        klude 
close (with key)  klavi 
close to         para; proxi 
closed (locked)  ge-klavi 
cloth            textili; tisu 
clothe           -ve (short affix form of vesti); vesti 
clothing         -ve (short affix form of vesti); vesti 
cloud            nefo 
club (society)   kluba 
club (stick)     korina 
clue             indika; simpto 
clumsy           no-tekno 
cluster          (-)fa 
clutch           tena 
coal             karbo 
coarse           mali; paki 
coast            litora 
coast (shore)    kosta 
coat             extra-ve 
cob              Zea 
cockerel         an-galina 
coffee           kafa 
cognate          kognato 
coil             helika 
coil (spring)    elasti 
coil (v)         strepto 
coin             moneta 
coined money     moneta 
cold             frigi 
cold (illness)   koriza 
collar           kola-ve 
collect          kolekti 
color            kroma 
colour           kroma 
column           kolumni 
comb             pektina 
combination      kombina 
combine          kombina 
combust          piro 
come             veni 
come to          veni a 
come to be       gene 
comfort (console)  konsola 
comfortable      gluko 
comic            komika 
comical          komika 
comma            koma 
command          imperi; komanda 
commence         proto 
commerce         komerci 
commercial       komerci 
commit           akti; face 
commit oneself   promise 
committee        komiti 
common           komuni; vulga 
in common        komuni 
communicate      komunika 
communication    komunika 
companion        socia 
company          kompani; societa 
compare          kompara 
comparison       kompara 
compassion       simpati 
compel           dina 
compete          kompeti 
competition      kompeti 
complain         protesta 
complaint        protesta 
complete         fini; holo 
completely       holo 
complex          komplexi 
complicated      komplexi 
compliment (admiration)  lauda 
compliment (greetings)  saluta 
compose          komposi 
composite        kompositi 
composition      kompositi 
compound         kompositi 
compromise       kompromise 
compute          puta 
computer         puta-me 
comrade          ami 
conceal          kripti 
concern          gravi pro; kura 
concerning       de 
concert          koncerto 
conclude         fini 
concrete         betona 
condense         densi 
condition        stato 
condolences      penite 
condone          pardo 
conduct          duce 
conduit          tubi 
conference       diskusi 
confess          konfesi 
confide          fide; kredi 
confidence       fide; sura 
confident        fide; sura 
confine          limita 
confirm          sura 
conflict         disputa 
conformation     struktura 
confuse          konfusi 
congratulate     gratula 
connect          kopula; liga; nexu; zigo 
connection       nexu 
connection (net)  reti 
connection (relation)  relati 
connexion        nexu 
conquer          vikto 
conscience       auto-kritici 
conscious        este; konski; sensi; vive 
consciousness    este 
consent          akorda 
consequence      seqe 
conservation     tena 
consider         examina; kura puta de; ponde 
considerable     gravi; importa 
consist          ge-face ex 
console (comfort)  konsola 
constable (male)  polica-an 
constant         dura 
constituent      kontento 
constitution     plu lega 
construct        face; stru 
contain          tena 
container        (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
contemporary (event)  iso-tem 
content          ge-place; kontento 
contents         in-ra 
contest          kompeti 
continent        kontinenta 
continue         dura 
continue (-ing)  du 
continuous       dura 
contract         ge-grafo akorda 
contrary         kontra 
contrast         no-kompara 
control          regula 
convenient       gru 
conventional     norma 
conversation     konversa 
converse         konversa 
convey           fero 
convince         sti kredi 
cook             kuko 
cooking-pot      buli-va 
cool             meso frigi 
copy             kopi 
cord             korda 
core             kardia 
corn             grana 
corner           gono 
corona           korona 
correct          korekti; veri 
corridor         steno-via 
corrode          oxidi 
coryza           koriza 
cost             preci 
costly           mega-preci 
costume          vesti-fa 
cotton           kotona 
couch            di kli 
cough            tusi 
could            pa pote 
council          komiti 
counsel          konsili 
count            numera 
counter (table)  mensa 
country (land)   landa 
country (rural)  rura 
countryside      agri 
couple           kopula 
courage          koragi 
courageous       koragi 
course           seri 
court            atri; korta 
court of law     tribuna 
courteous        civili 
courtesy         civili 
courtyard        atri; korta 
cover            tegu 
cow              bovi; fe-bovi 
coward           fobo-pe 
crab             kancera 
crack            krak 
crack (noise)    krak 
crack (split)    fisu 
craft            tekno 
crash            krasc 
crawl            repti 
crazed           rabi 
crazy            rabi 
cream            krema 
create           krea 
creature         vive-ra 
credit           kredito 
creed            kredi 
creek            baia 
creek (small river)  pusi-fluvi 
creep            repti 
crescent         kresce 
crew             grega 
cricket (sport)  kriket 
crime            anti-lega; krimi 
criminal (adj)   anti-lega 
cripple          klaudi 
crisis           krisi 
critical (crisis)  krisi 
critical (criticizing)  kritici 
criticize        judika; kritici 
crop             karpe; u karpe 
cross (n)        kruci 
cross (v)        kruci 
crossing         kruci 
crossroads       kruci 
crowd (n)        kumu; poli-pe 
crowd (v)        presa 
crown            korona 
cruel            sadi (French) 
crumble          fria 
crush            presa; pulve 
cry (weep)       lakrima 
cryptic          kripti 
cube             kubi 
cubic            kubi 
cudgel           korina 
cultivate        kulti 
cuniculus        kuni 
cunning          intelige; strategi; tekno-mali 
cup              tasa 
cupboard         tena-mo 
curb             margina 
cure             repara; terapi 
curious          qestio 
curl             ciru 
current          flu 
curse            jura; mali-dice 
curtain          pende-te 
curve (n)        kurva 
curve (v)        flexi; kurva 
curved           ge-flexi 
cushion          pulvina 
custom           habitu; more 
customer         merka-pe 
customs (ethical)  more 
cut              seka; skizo 
cyanic (blue)    ciano 
cycle            ciklo 


'd (short for would)  sio 
dagger           blada; daga 
daily            di 
dainty           delikate 
dam (barrier)    barage (French) 
dam (mother)     matri 
damage           noku 
damp             humidi 
dampness         humidi 
dance            kore 
danger           risko 
dangerous        risko 
dangle           pende 
dare             audaci; risko 
daring           audaci 
dark             melano; skoto 
darkness         skoto 
dart (pleat)     plika 
dash (throw)     bali 
data             info 
date (day)       datu 
daughter         fe-fili 
daughter (or son)  fili 
day              di 
dead             morta 
deadline         fini 
deaf             non-audi 
deal             pragma 
deal (business)  negoti 
deal (cards)     distribu 
dear             karo 
death            morta 
debt             debi 
decay            sapro 
deceit           falsi 
deceive          falsi 
decent           deko 
decide           decide; judika 
decimal          decimali 
decision         decide 
deck             tegu 
declaration      deklara 
declare          deklara; dice 
decline          nega; sapro 
decorate         kali; orna 
decoration       orna 
decrease         mei 
deed             akti 
deem             deklara 
deep (distance)  bato 
deep (profound)  profunda 
defeat           vikto 
defect           defekti 
defence          alexi 
defend           alexi 
defense          alexi 
deficiency       defekti 
defy             defi 
degree           gradu 
delay            atende; lento; po-kron; tardi 
delete (computer)  apo 
deliberate       tende 
delicate         delikate 
delight          delekta 
deliver          livra 
deliver (give)   dona 
demand           demanda 
demolish         no-face 
demonstrate      proba 
den              zoa-eko 
dense            densi 
deny             nega 
depart           ki ab 
department       mero 
depend           pende ex 
deposit          loka 
depth            funda 
depth (distance)  bato 
depth (profound)  profunda 
descend          ki kata 
describe         deskribe; dice de 
description      deskribe 
desert (v)       ki ab 
deserve          merito; valu 
design           designa; grafo; skema 
designate        indika 
desire           desira; fo-volu; volu 
desk             buro; ergo-mensa 
despite          anti 
destiny          fata; fortuna 
destroy          destru; no-face 
destruction      destru 
detail           mini-ra 
detect           detekti 
determination    decide 
determine        decide 
detest           miso; odio 
develop          evolve 
development      evolve 
device           -me (short affix form of mekani); mekani 
devil            diaboli 
devour           vora 
diabolical       diaboli 
diagram          carta 
diamond          adamanta 
dictionary       verba-bibli; verba-lista 
did (past tense marker)  pa 
die              morta 
differ           difere; hetero 
difference       difere; hetero 
different        difere; hetero 
difficult        no-facili 
diffuse          difusi 
dig              fosi 
digest (digestion)  pepsi 
digestion        pepsi 
digit            numera 
digital          digi 
dignity          digni 
dimension        metri 
diminish         mei 
din              kako-fono 
dinner           cefa vora 
dip              bapti 
direct           direkti 
direction        direkti 
directly         rekti 
director         duce-pe 
dirt             no-puri 
dirty            no-puri 
disadvantage     no-profito 
disappear        no-feno 
disappoint       frustra 
disappointment   frustra 
disaster         mal-acide 
disc             disko 
discharge        no-kargo 
discharge (fire)  fusili 
discover         detekti 
discovery        detekti 
discuss          dice de; diskusi 
discussion       diskusi 
disease          pato 
disgrace         pude 
disgust          non-amo; odio; pude 
disgusting       impude 
dish (plate)     disko 
disillusion      frustra 
disk             disko 
dismal           tristi 
dismay           fobo 
dismiss          bali ab 
disorder         turba 
display          monstra 
displeasure      pude 
have at one's disposal   uti 
dispose          bali ab 
disposition      humoro 
dispute          disputa 
dissolution      solve; texi 
dissolve         solve 
distance         tele 
distant          tele 
distaste         miso; odio 
distinct         klari 
distinguish      separa 
distress         turba 
distribute       distribu 
distribution     distribu 
district         mero 
disturb          turba; vexa 
disturbance      turba 
ditch            fosi; kanali 
dive             merge 
divide           divide 
dividend         profito 
division         divide; skizo 
division (part)  mero 
do               akti; praxi 
doctor (medical)  medika-pe 
dodge            evita 
does (form of to do)  akti 
dog              kani 
doing            praxi 
doing (participle of to do)  akti 
domain           area 
domestic         domi 
door             janu; porta 
doorway          janu 
dorsal           dorsa 
dose             qantita 
dot              punkta 
double           bi; diplo 
doubt            dubi 
dough            pasta 
down (adverb)    kata 
downwards        kata 
dozen            mo-bi 
draft            skema 
drag             tira (French) 
drag (v)         trakto 
drag (with computer mouse)  trakto 
drain            kanali 
draught          fla 
draw (pull)      trakto 
draw (sketch)    grafo 
draw back        versi 
drawer           tira-teka 
dread            fobo 
dream            sonia 
dress            tunika; -ve (short affix form of vesti); vesti 
dried            sika 
drill (tool)     fora-ru 
drill (training)  exercise 
drill (v, make holes)  fora 
drink (v)        bibe 
drive            duce 
droop            flaci 
drop (fall)      kade 
drown            neka 
drug             medika-ma 
drum             timpani 
drunk            narko 
drunken          narko 
dry              sika 
duck (animal)    anas 
dull (boring)    no-stimula 
dull (not clear/bright)  ne foto 
dull (not sharp)  non-akuto 
dull (stupid)    fatuo; stupidi 
dummy            falsi 
dung (v)         fertili 
durable          dura 
during           tem 
dust             farina; pulve 
duster           textili 
dusty            pulve 
duty             debi; kargo; nece 
dwell            eko 
dwelling         eko 
dwindle          mei 
dye              kroma 


each             singu 
each other       alelo 
eager            nervoso; zelo 
ear              oti 
earlier          pre 
early            pre-kron; tosto 
earn             merito 
earnest          solemni 
earth            geo 
earth (the)      tera 
earthenware      kerami 
east             est 
easy             facili 
eat              vora 
eclipse          tegu 
economic         ekonomi 
economy          ekonomi 
-ed (past tense marker)  pa 
edge             margina 
editor           editora 
educate          eduka 
education        eduka; sko 
educational      eduka 
effect (n)       efekti; seqe 
effect (v)       efekti; praxi 
effective        praxi 
effort           fo-tenta 
make an effort   lukta 
egg              ova 
eight            okto 
either           alo 
either ... or    alo ... alo 
elaborate        komplexi 
elastic          elasti 
elbow            kubita 
elect            elekti 
election         elekti 
electric         elektro 
electricity      elektro 
element          elementa 
elementary       elementa 
elephant         elefa 
eleven           mo-mo 
eliminate        nuli 
else             alterna; hetero 
embarass         turba 
emblem           insigni 
emerge           ki ex 
emergency        urge 
emotion          emotio 
empire           imperi 
employ           uti 
employer         cefa 
empty            kavita; vaku 
empty (vain)     vani 
enable           sti pote 
enchant          magika 
enclose          inklude 
enclosure (fences)  fragma 
end              akro; fini; sto 
put an end to    sto 
endeavor         tenta 
endeavour        tenta 
endure           dura; tolera 
enemy            anti-pe; non-ami 
energy           energi 
engage           sponsa 
engine           makina; motori 
engineer         tekno-pe 
enigma           enigma 
enjoy            fo-amo 
enlarge          ma-mega 
enough           sati; sufici 
enquire          qestio 
ensign           insigni 
enter            ki in 
entertain        amusa; hospita 
entertainment    amusa-ra 
enthusiasm       zelo 
enthusiastic     zelo 
entire           holo 
entrance         janu 
entrance (hall)  atri 
entrust          fide; kredi 
envelope         grama-ve 
envious          invidio 
environment      peri-lo 
envoy (v)        mite 
envy             invidio; kako-zelo 
equal            eqa; iso 
equal (nearly)   homo 
equality         eqa 
equipment        nece-fa 
equitable        justi 
-er (comparative marker)  ma 
erase            apo 
erect            orto 
err              ero 
error            ero 
escape           fugi; libe se 
especial         idio 
especially       gravi 
essential        nece 
-est (superlative)  maxi 
establish        establi 
esteem           lauda; valu 
esthetic         este 
estimate         valu 
eternal          panto-tem 
ethical          morali 
ethics           morali 
evaporate        vapo 
even             klu 
even (including)  klu 
even (level)     libela; plati 
even (still)     klu 
evening          vespera 
event            acide 
eventually       a fini 
ever (at all times)  holo tem 
ever (at any time)  ali kron 
every            panto (or short form pan) 
everybody        panto-pe 
everyone         panto-pe 
everyplace       panto-lo 
everything       panto-ra 
everywhere       panto-lo 
evident          klari 
evil             kako 
evolve           evolve 
exact            exakti 
exactly          exakti 
exactly like     iso 
examination      examina 
examine          examina 
examine (by touch)  palpa 
example          exempla 
for example      speci 
excel            akti ma boni de; excele 
excellent        excele 
except           exklude 
excess           excesi 
excessive        excesi; tro (French); tropika 
exchange         kambio 
exchange (stock)  bursa 
excise           seka 
excite           excite; stimula 
exciting         excite 
exclaim          voci 
exclude          exklude 
exclusive        exklude 
excuse           pardo 
execute          face; lega cide; obe; reali 
exercise         exercise 
exert            fo-tenta 
exert oneself    lukta 
exhaust          spende 
exhibit          monstra 
exile            bali ex landa 
exist            es la; existe 
existence        existe 
exotic           rari 
expand           expande 
expanse          expande-lo 
expansion        expande 
expect           atende; expekta 
expectancy       spe 
expel            bali ex 
expend           spende 
expensive        mega-preci 
experience (n)   experi 
experience (v, resulting from practice)  praxi 
experience (v)   experi 
experiment       experimenta 
expert (adj)     tekno 
expert (n)       tekno-pe 
expertness       tekno 
explain          explika; klari 
explanation      explika 
explicate        explika 
explode          bronto; explode 
explore          stude 
explosion        explode 
export           exporta 
expose           detekti; monstra 
express          expresi 
expression       emotio; expresi 
extant           existe 
extend           extende; ma-mega 
extensive        lati; plati 
external         extra 
extinguish       sto 
extra            dona; plus 
extreme          maxi dista; maxi tele 
eye              oku 
eyelid           oku-tegu 


fabric           textili; tisu 
face             facia 
fact             faktu 
factory          face-do 
factual          faktu 
fail             fali; mal-acide 
failure          fali 
faint            no-forti 
faint (v)        lose este 
fair             blonda 
fair (bazaar)    feria 
fair (equitable)  justi 
fair (just)      justi 
fairy            feri 
faith            fide 
fall             kade; peti 
fall (autumn)    sperma-tem 
false            falsi 
fame             famo 
familiar         ben ge-ski; famili 
family           famili 
famine           famina 
famous           famo 
fancy            imagina; orna 
far              tele 
fare             preci 
farewell         vale 
farm             agri-lo 
farmer           agri-pe 
farther          tele 
farthest         ultima 
fashion          mode 
fast             rapidi; tako 
fasten (v)       klude 
fat (fatty)      lipo 
fat (substance)  lipo 
fat (thick)      paki 
fate             fata; fortuna 
father           patri 
father (or mother)  parenta 
fatigue          fatiga 
fatty            lipo 
faucet           valva 
fault            defekti 
favor            favo 
in favor of      pro 
favorable        favo 
favorite         ge-favo 
favour           favo 
in favour of     pro 
favourable       favo 
favourite        ge-favo 
fear             fobo 
feast            festa; mega vora 
feather          pina 
features         facia 
fee              valuta 
feeble           debili; no-dina 
feed             dona sito a; sito 
feed-back        reakti 
feel             este; sensi 
feline           feli 
fell (skin)      peli 
fellow           socia 
female           fe; femina; gina 
fence            fragma 
ferrous          feru 
fertile          fertili 
fertilize        fertili 
fervor           termo 
fervour          termo 
festival         festa 
festive          festa 
festivity        festa 
fete             festa 
fever            febri 
few              no-poli; oligo 
fiber            (-)fi 
fibre            (-)fi; fibri 
fickle           levia 
fiction          fikti 
fictional        fikti 
fidelity         fide 
field            agri; kampu 
fight            lukta; milita; pugna 
figure           figura 
filament         (-)fi 
fill             ple 
film             lamina 
filter           filtra 
filthy           no-puri 
final            fini; ultima 
finally          a fini; fini 
find             detekti 
find oneself (in a place)  es 
fine (good)      boni 
fine (thin)      tenu 
finger           digi 
fingernail       ungu 
finish           fini; sto 
fire             piro 
fire (shoot)     fusili 
firm             fixa; solidi; stabili 
first            proto 
at first         proto 
fiscal           fiska 
fish (n)         piski 
fish (v)         piski 
fissure          divide; fisu; skizo 
fist             pugna 
fit              gru 
fitting          gru 
fitting (adj)    deko; gru 
five             penta (or short form pen) 
fix              fixa 
flaccid          flaci 
flag             insigni 
flair            nasa 
flame            flama 
flank            latu 
flare            flama 
flash            flasc 
flask            botilia 
flat (apartment)  kamera-fa 
flat (plane)     plati 
flat-iron        plaka 
flavor           flavoro 
flavour          flavoro 
flaw             defekti 
flee             fugi 
flesh            karni 
flex             flexi 
flicker          tremulo 
flight           vola 
fling            bali 
float            plankto 
flock            grega 
flood            flu 
floor            pedi-lo 
floppy           flaci 
flour            farina; pulve 
flourish         flori 
flow             flu 
flower           flori 
fluent           flu 
fluid            flu 
flutter          tremulo 
flux             flu 
fly (insect)     diptera 
fly (v)          peti; vola 
fodder           gra 
foe              anti-pe; non-ami 
fog              nebu 
fold             plika 
foliage          folia 
folk             demo 
follow           seqe 
following        seqe 
fond             fo-amo 
food             sito 
foolish          fatuo; rabi 
foot (end of leg)  pedi 
foot (lowest part)  funda 
football         pedi-bola 
footpath         pedi-via 
footprint        ikno 
footwear         pedi-ve 
for              pro 
for (because)    ka 
for (during)     tem 
for (in favour of)  favo 
for (purpose)    tende 
for example      speci 
for the sake of  pro 
forbid           veto 
force            dina 
be in force      krati 
fore             ante 
forecast         prognosi 
forehead         fronta 
foreign          xeno 
foreigner        xeno-pe 
forest           silva 
forever          holo tem 
forge            forma 
forge (v)        face 
forget           no-memo 
forgive          pardo 
fork             furka 
form             forma 
form (v)         fikti 
formal           formali 
former           pre; pre-nu 
formerly         pre; pre-nu 
formula          formula 
forsake          linqi 
fort             kastela 
forth            avanti 
fortunate        boni-fortuna 
fortunately      boni-fortuna 
fortune          fortuna 
forward          avanti; pro 
move forward     avanti 
forward towards  pro 
forwards         avanti 
foul             no-puri; sapro 
found            proto 
found (v)        basi; funda 
foundation       funda 
fountain         fonta 
four             tetra 
fowl             galina 
foxiness         strategi 
fracture         frakti 
fragment         mero 
frail            no-dina 
frame            qadra 
framework        skeleto 
fraud            fals akti; falsi 
free             libe 
set free         libe 
freedom          libe 
freeze           geli 
frequency        freqe 
frequent         freqe 
fresh            fresko; neo 
freshen          fresko 
fret             anxio 
friction         frika 
fried            lipo 
friend           ami 
friendly         ami 
fright           fobo 
frightful        deino 
fringe (border)  margina 
from             ab; de; ex 
front            ante; fronta 
frontier         limita 
fruit            frukti 
fruitful         profito 
frustrate        frustra 
frustration      frustra 
fry              lipo 
fuel             ergo-ma 
fulfil           reali; sati 
fulfill          reali; sati 
full             ple 
full stop        punkta 
fully            ple 
fume             fumi 
fun (feeling)    hedo 
fun (play)       ludi 
function         funktio 
fund             valuta 
funny            amusa; komika 
fur              peli 
furious          koleri; rabi 
furnace          furna 
furnish          dona; mobili 
furniture        mobili 
furrow           kanali; stria 
further          tele 
furthermore      plus-co 
fuse             fusi; liqi 
fuss             anxio 
futile (action without result)  vani 
future           fu 


gain             gene 
gallop           dromo 
gamble           ludi 
game             ludi 
game (especially sport)  sporta 
gang             grega 
gangway          steno-via 
gap              lakuna 
garage           vagona-do 
garden           horti 
garland          korona 
garment          -ve (short affix form of vesti); vesti 
gas              gasi 
gasoline         benzina 
gate             porta 
gather           kolekti; prende 
gauge            metri 
gay (happy)      hedo 
put into gear    sti 
gem              gema 
general          generali 
generalize       generali 
generous         liberali 
genetic          geneti 
gentle           gentili; gluko 
gentleman        andro 
gentleness       gluko 
genuine          veri 
genus            speci 
gesture          sema 
get (become)     gene 
get (obtain)     gene 
get (passive)    gene 
get in           ki in 
get up           surge 
gets (tense)     gene 
getting          gene 
gift             doro 
girder           traba 
girdle           zona 
girl             ju-fe 
give             dona 
give up          cede 
give way         cede 
glabrous         glabro 
glacial          glacia 
glad             hedo 
glass            vitri 
glasses          plu lenti 
glee             hedo 
glide            glisa 
glitter          splendi 
gloom            skoto 
glory            glori 
gloss (shine)    splendi 
glove            manu-ve 
glow             kandi; lampa 
glue             glu 
glue (v)         hesi 
go               iti; ki; moti 
go (begin)       proto 
go (cede)        cede 
go away          ki ab 
go back          retro; versi 
go out           ki ex 
goad             stimula 
goal             buta; fini; tende 
goat             kapri 
god              teo 
goes (form of to go)  ki 
going (participle of to go)  ki 
set going        sti 
be going to      volu 
be going to (future tense)  fu 
gold             kriso 
golden           kriso 
good             boni 
make good        repara 
good-bye         vale 
good-humoured    hedo 
goodbye          vale 
goods            plu merka-ra 
gorge            kola 
gossip           rumora 
govern           arki; krati 
government       krati; krati-grega 
grab             rapi 
grace            gratia 
grade            gradu 
grade (v)        ordina 
grain            grana 
grammar          gramatika 
grand            grandi 
grant            dona 
graph            carta 
grapple          rapi 
grasp            kapti; rapi 
grasp (can imagine)  imagina 
grasp (understand)  logi 
grass            gra; herba 
grateful         grati 
grating (n)      kancela 
grave (serious)  gravi 
grave (tomb)     morta-lo 
gray             cinera; polio 
graze            frika; razo 
grease           lipo 
greasy           lipo 
great            importa; mega 
greater          major 
greedy           gluto 
green            kloro 
greet            saluta 
greeting         saluta 
grey             cinera; polio 
grief            algo; non-hedo; tristi 
gril             kancela 
grille           kancela 
grin             denti 
grind            pulve 
grip             rapi; tena 
groove           kanali; stria 
grope            cerka 
ground           funda; pedi-lo; solu 
grounds          basi 
group            (-)fa; grega 
grow             kresce; ma-mega 
grow (something)  auxi 
growth           kresce 
grumble          protesta 
guarantee        promise 
guard            alexi; guarda 
guess            divina 
guest            hospi 
guidance         duce 
guide            direkti; duce 
guilt            etio 
guilty           etio 
gullet           kola 
gulp             gluto 
gum              gumi 
gun              fusili 
gut              intestina 
gutter           kanali 
gyna-            gina 
gyrate           gira; rota 


habit            habitu; more 
had (tense marker)  pa 
haggard          anxio; fatiga 
hair             kapila 
half             semi 
hall             atri; kamera 
hallway          atri 
halt             sto 
hammer (n)       malea 
hand             manu 
hand over        manu 
handkerchief     nasa-te 
handle (v)       manu 
handsome         kali 
hang             pende 
hang up          pende 
hankie           nasa-te 
hanky            nasa-te 
happen           acide 
happiness        hedo 
happy            hedo 
harbor           asilu 
harbour          asilu 
hard (lasting)   dura 
hard (not soft)  sklero 
very hard        adamanta 
hardly           proxi ne 
hardware (computer)  mekani 
hark             audi 
harm             noku 
harmful          noku 
harmonize        akorda; harmoni 
harmony          harmoni 
harvest          karpe 
has (form of to have, own)  habe 
has (tense marker)  pa 
has the quality of  habe 
haste            peti; tako 
make haste       vola 
hasty            tako 
hat              kefa-ve 
hat (cap)        kefa-ve 
hate             miso; odio 
hatred           odio 
haughtiness      aroga 
haughty          aroga; auto-lauda 
have (hold)      tena 
have (own)       habe 
have (past tense marker)  pa 
have the quality of  habe 
have to          nece 
haven            asilu 
havoc            no-face 
hazard           risko 
haze             nebu 
he               an 
head             kefa 
heal             repara 
health           sani 
healthy          sani; vale 
be healthy       vale 
heap             kumu 
hear             audi 
heart            kardia 
hearty           kardia; mega; ple 
heat             termo 
heater           furna 
heaven           urani 
heavenly         ciano 
heavy            gravi 
hedge            fragma 
heed             reakti; respekto 
heel             kalki 
height           alti 
height (body)    statura 
helicopter       helikopter 
helix            helika; heliku 
helm             rota 
help             auxi 
helpful          auxi 
hem (border)     margina 
hen              fe-galina 
hence (therefore)  ka-co 
her              fe 
herb             herba 
herd             grega 
here             ci 
hereditary       geneti 
hero             hero 
hers             fe 
herself          auto 
hesitate         dubi 
hidden           kripti 
hide             kripti 
hide (skin)      derma 
high             alti 
hill             buno 
him              an 
himself          auto 
hind (back)      dorsa 
hinder           anti 
hinge            kardina 
hint             indika; simpto 
hire             tem-gene; tem-uti 
his              an 
historical       histori 
history          histori 
hit              bate; tipo 
hitherto         a-nu 
hoard            kumu 
hog              sui 
hoist            leva 
hold             tena 
hold together    tena 
hole             fora; fosi 
holiday          feria; festa; libe-tem 
hollow           kavita 
hollowness       kavita 
holy             sankti 
home             domi; eko-lo 
homogeneous      uniforma 
honest           honesti 
honesty          honesti; honora 
honor            honora 
honorable        honora-abili 
honour           honora 
loss of honour   pude 
honourable       honora-abili 
hood             kefa-ve 
hoof             ungu 
hook             unki 
hoop             zona 
hop              salta 
hope             atende; spe 
horizon          horizo 
horizontal       horizo; trans 
horn             kerati 
horrible         horibili 
horrid           mali 
horror           fobo 
horse            Equs 
hose             tubi 
hospitable       hospita 
hospital         pato-do 
hospitality      hospita 
hostile          anti; miso; non-ami 
hot              termo 
hotel            hoteli 
hour             horo 
house            domi 
household        eko 
how ...?         qo-mode? 
how many?        qanto? 
how much?        qanto? 
however (=although it was so)  anti-co; sed 
however (adverb, =in whatever way)  ali-mode 
hub              centra 
hue (colour)     kroma; tinta 
huge             fo-mega; mega 
human            homi 
human race       homi 
humid            humidi 
humidity         humidi 
humor            humoro 
humorous         komika 
humour           humoro 
humourous        komika 
hundred (prefer hekto, take centi for hundredth!)  centi 
hundredth        centi 
hunger           fami; famina 
hungry           fami 
hunt             casa 
hunting          casa 
hurl             bali 
hurry            peti; rapidi; tako; vola 
in a hurry       rapidi 
hurt             algo; noku; puni 
husband          an-sponsa; andro 
hush             silento 
hut (small house)  pusi-do 


I                mi 
ice              glacia 
ice (v)          geli 
Ichno-           ikno 
icy              glacia 
idea             idea; puta 
identical        iso 
identity         idio 
if               si; postula 
ignite           piro 
ignorant         ne-ski 
ill              mali; pato 
ill-feeling      non-ami 
illegal          anti-lega 
illness          mali; pato 
illuminate       foto; lumi 
illustrate       pikto 
image            imagi; imagina; pikto 
imaginary        imagina 
imagination      imagina 
imagine          imagina 
imitate          kopi 
immediate        imedia 
immediately      imedia 
immense          fo-mega 
immerse          merge 
immune           imuni; sekuri 
impact           impakti 
impartial        justi 
imperial         imperi 
implement        instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
implore          petitio 
importance       importa 
important        gravi; importa 
be important     importa 
impressive       gravi 
imprison         karcera 
improve          ma-boni 
improvement      ma-boni 
impulse          volu 
in               in 
in (during)      tem 
in (in a punctiform place)  topo (or short form to) 
in (indoors)     intra 
in (local)       in 
in favor of      pro 
in front         ante 
in order that    tende 
in order to      tende 
in relation to   de 
in spite of      anti 
incarcerate      karcera 
incident         acide 
incline          klina 
inclined         klina 
include          inklude 
including        klu 
inclusive        klu 
income           in-valuta 
increase         kresce; ma-mega 
indeed           veri 
independent      libe 
indicate         indika 
indication       simpto 
indignant        koleri 
individual       idio 
indoor           intra 
indoors          in; intra 
induce           sti 
industrial       industri 
industry         industri 
infant           infanti 
infect           sti pato 
infection        sti pato 
inferior         infra 
infirm           mali 
infirmity        mali; pato 
inflate          fla 
inflect          muta 
inflict          noku 
influence        influ 
inform           info 
information      info 
-ing (continuous tense)  du 
inhabit          eko 
inherit          geneti 
initial          proto 
initiate         sti 
injure           noku; vulne 
injury           vulne 
ink              tinta 
inland           intra 
inquire          qestio 
inquiry          qestio 
inquisitive      qestio 
insect           insekti 
inside           intra 
inside of        in 
insignificant    pusi 
insist           itera 
inspect          examina 
inspire          stimula 
install          gru; loka 
instalment       mero 
instance         exempla 
instant          kron 
instantly        imedia 
instead          vice 
instead of       vice 
institute (v)    proto 
instruct         doci; sko 
instruction      sko 
instrument       instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
insult           akti mali; dice mali 
insurance        insura 
insure           insura 
intelligent      intelige 
intend           tende; volu 
intended for     tende 
intense          forti (or short form fo); fo(-) (short form of forti) 
intention        buta; tende 
intentional      tende 
interbreed       kruci 
interconnection  nexu 
interest         interese 
interesting      interese; stimula 
interfere        sto 
interior         intra 
internal         intra 
international    internatio 
internet         inter-reti 
interrupt        frakti; rupti 
interruption     rupti 
intersect        kruci 
interview        examina 
intestine        intestina 
intimate         intra 
into             ad-in; in 
introduce        intra-duce 
introduction     intra-duce 
invade           ki in 
invalid          pato 
invent           inventi 
invest           investi 
investigate      examina; recerka 
investigation    recerka 
invitation       petitio 
invite           petitio 
involve          involve 
inward           ad-in; intra 
inwards          intra 
iron             feru 
irrigate         aqa 
irritable        koleri 
irritate         turba 
is               es 
is (equals)      eqa 
island           nesia 
isolate          lisi 
issue            ki ex 
isthmus          kola 
it               id 
itch             punge 
iterate          itera 
its              id 
itself           auto; se 
itself (reflexive)  se 


jab              pulsa 
jail             karcera 
jar              (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
jaw              mandibula 
jealous          invidio; kako-zelo 
jealousy         invidio; kako-zelo 
jelly            gele 
jerk             spasmo 
jest             joko 
jewel            gema 
jittery          nervoso 
job              ergo; kargo 
join             kopula; liga 
join (connection)  nexu; zigo 
joint            artri 
joke             joko 
play a joke      joko 
jolly            alegro 
jolt             spasmo 
jounce           spasmo 
journal          jurnali 
journey          viagia 
joy              hedo 
judge (person)   judika-pe 
judge (v)        decide; judika 
juice            liqi; suku 
juicy            suku 
jump             salta 
junction         nexu 
juncture         artri 
jungle           jungla 
just             justi 
just (equitable)  justi 
just (fair)      justi 
just (time)      nu-fu 
just going to    nu-fu 
the just said    -co (Italian. Only in compounds!) 
justice          judika-ra; justi 
jut              projekti 


keen             zelo 
keep             tena 
kerb             margina 
kernel           nuki 
kettle           buli-va 
key (keyboard)   klavi 
key (lock)       klavi 
kick             pedi 
kid (child)      infanti 
kidnap           pe-klepti 
kill             cide 
kilo             kilo 
kind             gentili 
kind (friendly)  ami; liberali 
kind (sort, species)  speci 
kindle           piro 
kindly           gentili 
kindness         amo 
king             an-regi 
kiss             oskula 
kit (clothes)    vesti-fa 
kitchen          kuko-ka 
knee             genu 
knee-cap         patela 
knee-joint       genu 
knife            blada; seka-ru 
knob (button)    butona 
knock            bate; tipo 
knot             nodi 
knot together    liga 
know             logi; ski 
know-how         tekno 
knowledge        ski; skience 


label            info-bileta 
labor            ergo 
laboratory       laboratori 
labour           ergo 
agricultural labourer   agri-pe 
lack             defekti; minus 
be lacking       defekti 
lacuna           lakuna 
lad              ju-an 
ladder           skala 
lady             gina 
lake             laku 
lame             klaudi 
lament           tristi 
laminate         lamina 
lamp             lampa 
land             landa 
lane             steno-via 
language         glosa; lingua 
lapse            glisa 
large            mega 
lash             flagela 
lass             ju-fe 
at last          a fini 
last (previous)  pa 
last (ultimate)  ultima 
last (v)         dura 
lasting          dura 
lasting (hard)   dura 
late             po-kron; tardi 
lateness         po-kron 
lateral          latu 
latest (last)    ultima 
lattice          kancela; kancera 
laugh            ridi 
laughter         ridi 
launch           bali; sti flo 
laurel           pusi dendro 
law              lega; nomi 
lawful           lice 
lawn             gra 
lax              flaci; laxa 
lay              loka; moti 
layer            lamina 
layout           skema 
lazy             anti-ergo 
lead             duce 
leader           duce-pe 
leaf             folia 
leaf (of door)   valva 
league           akorda 
leak             fora 
lean (rest against)  klina 
lean (thin)      tenu 
lean on          presa 
leap             salta 
learn            disci 
learning         eduka 
lease            tem-dona; tem-uti 
least            mini 
leather          derma 
leave            ki ab; ki ex 
leave behind     linqi 
lecture          sko 
lecture room     atri 
ledge            pla 
left (hand)      laevo 
be left over     resta 
left-hand        laevo 
leg              poda 
legal            lega; lice 
legitimate       lice 
leisure          libe-tem 
lend             kredito; tem-dona 
length           longi 
lens             lenti 
lesion           vulne 
less             mei 
-less            minus 
lessen           mei 
lesson           sko 
let              lase; permito 
letter (mail)    grama 
level            libela 
lever            leva-ru 
liberal          libe; liberali 
liberate         libe 
liberty          libe 
library          bibli-do 
licence          lice 
license          lice 
lick             glosa 
lid (cover)      tegu 
lie (down)       horizo; kumbe 
lie (untruth)    falsi 
lie down         kade; kli; kumbe 
life             bio 
lifetime         eva 
lift             leva 
ligature         liga 
light (not heavy)  levia; no-gravi 
light (n)        foto; lampa; lumi 
light (pale)     klari 
light (v)        foto; lumi 
light up         lumi 
lightning        flasc 
like (love)      amo 
like (similar)   homo 
very like        homo 
like this        so 
like to          hedo 
likelihood       fortuna 
likely           probabili 
likeness         homo 
limb (leg)       poda 
lime             glu 
limit (n)        horizo; limita 
limit (v)        limita 
limp             flaci; klaudi 
limp (v)         mali gresi 
line             stria 
linger           resta 
link (connect(ion))  kopula 
linkage          nexu 
lip              labia 
liquefy          liqi 
liquid           aqa; liqi 
liquify          liqi 
list             lista; seri 
list (of ship)   klina 
listen           audi 
liter            litra 
literature       literatura 
litre            litra 
little           mikro; pusi 
littoral         litora 
live             vive 
live (dwell)     eko 
lively           vive 
living           bio 
'll (future tense)  fu 
load             kargo 
load (charge)    kargo 
loaf             pani 
loan             tem-dona 
loathe           miso; odio 
local            loka; lokali; topo (or short form to) 
locale           topo (or short form to) 
location (extended)  loka 
location (punctiform)  topo (or short form to) 
loch             laku 
lock (n)         klavi-me 
lock (v)         klavi 
lock up          inklude 
locked           ge-klavi 
lodge (v)        hospita 
lodging          eko-lo 
lodgings         eko-lo 
lofty            alti 
log              ligni-bloka 
logic            logika 
logical          logika 
lone             solo 
lonely           solo 
long (adj)       longi 
long (v) for     fo-volu 
look             skope; vide 
look after       alexi 
look at          skope 
look for         cerka 
look like (seem)  feno 
loom (rise)      surge 
loose            laxa 
loosen           lisi 
lorry            kargo-vagona 
lose             lose 
lot (destiny)    fata 
lot (many)       mega; poli 
lot (n)          mega 
a lot of         mega 
lotion           medika-ma 
loud             fo-soni 
lovable          ami 
love             amo 
lovely           gluko 
lower            sub (don't mix with su) 
loyal            fide 
loyalty          fide 
lubricant        olea 
lubrication      olea 
luck             boni fortuna; fortuna 
bad luck         mali fortuna 
lucky            boni-fortuna 
luminous         lumi 
lump             amorfo; kumu; mega; poli 
lump (on body)   tumo 
lunar            luna 
lung             pulmona 
luster           splendi 
lustre           lustra; splendi 
lying down       horizo 


'm (short for am)  es 
mace             korina 
machine          makina; -me (short affix form of mekani); mekani 
machinery        makina 
mad              rabi 
made (participle of to make)  ge-face 
magazine         jurnali 
magic            magika 
magic spell      magika 
magician         magika-pe 
magistrate       judika-pe 
magnet           magneti 
magnetic         magneti 
magnetism        magneti 
magnificent      grandi 
magnify          mega 
mail             posta 
main             cefa; major 
maintain         tena 
maize            Zea 
major            cefa 
make             face; krea; praxi 
make (cause)     sti 
making           face 
malady           mali; pato 
male             an 
male (prefix)    an- 
mallet           malea 
man              andro; homi 
manage           krati; manu 
manager          duce-pe; manu-pe 
mandible         mandibula 
mankind          homi 
manner           mode 
manufacture      face 
manure (v)       fertili 
many             mega; multi; poli 
map              carta 
margin           margina 
marine           mari 
mark             makula; marka; sema; signi; tipo 
market           marketa 
marriage         game 
marry            game 
marvel           mira 
masculine        an 
mask (v)         kripti 
mass             kumu 
mass (many)      mega; poli 
massage          karesa 
massive          gravi 
master           cefa 
mat              tape 
match (v)        akorda 
mate (v, animals)  kopula 
material         -ma (short affix form of materia); materia 
mating           nexu 
matter           -ma (short affix form of materia); materia 
mattress         soma kosina 
mature           matura 
maxi-            maxi 
maximum          maxi 
may              posi; pote 
maybe            posi 
mayor            urba-cefa 
me               mi 
meadowland       agri 
meal             sito; vora 
mean (intend to do)  volu akti 
mean (intend to say)  volu dice 
mean (middle)    meso 
mean (not nice)  non-amo 
mean (signify)   semani; signifi 
meaning          semani 
by means of      per 
measure          metri 
meat             karni 
mechanic         mekani 
mechanical       mekani 
mechanism        -me (short affix form of mekani); mekani 
medial           meso 
medical          medika 
medicate         medika 
medicine         medika-ma 
medium (middle)  meso 
meek             civili 
meet (by appointment)   
                  ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon); 
                   kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko); unio 
meeting (by appointment)  unio 
mega-            mega 
melancholy       tristi 
melodious        melodi 
melody           melodi 
melt             fusi; liqi 
member           membra 
memory           memo 
menace           menace 
mend             repara 
mental           menta 
mental image     idea 
mention          dice de 
mercy            amo; civili; simpati 
merge            nexu 
merit            merito; valu 
merry            alegro; hedo 
mesh             reti 
mess             mixa 
message          info 
messenger        angeli 
metal            metali 
metallic         metali 
mete (v)         metri 
meter (metre)    metra 
meter (v)        metri 
method           mode 
metre            metra 
metric           metra 
microscope       mikroskope 
mid              meso 
middle           meso 
might (possibility)  posi 
might (possibly)  posi 
might (power)    dina 
mild             gentili 
military         milita 
milk             lakti 
million          miliona 
mind (n)         menta; psiko 
mind (take care)  kura 
mine             u-mi 
mingle           mixa 
minimum          mini 
minister         krati-pe 
minor            mei 
minus            minus 
minute (n)       minuta 
minute (tiny)    mikro 
miracle          mira-ra 
mirror           spekula 
mirth            ridi 
mis-             ero 
mischief         noku 
miserable        pove 
misfortune       mali fortuna 
mishap           mal-acide 
miss (young woman)  ju-fe 
be missing       defekti 
missing (not there)  ab; minus 
missive          grama 
mist (fog)       nebu 
mistake          ero; falsi 
mix              konfusi; mixa 
mixed            ge-mixa 
moat             fosi 
mob              rabi multi-pe 
mode             mode 
model            modela 
moderate         meso 
modern           nu-di 
modify           limita 
moist            humidi 
moisture         humidi 
mold             forma 
molest           vexa 
moment           kron 
money            valuta 
coined money     moneta 
monkey           simia 
monster          fo-mega 
month            meno 
monthly          meno 
moon             luna 
moral            morali 
morale           morali 
more             ma; major 
more (number)    pleio 
more ... than    ma ... de 
more than one    plu 
moreover         plus-co 
morning          matina 
morsel           mero 
mortal           homi 
most (number)    pleisto 
most (superlative)  maxi 
mother           matri 
mother (or father)  parenta 
motion           kine 
set in motion    sti 
motion picture theater  kinema 
motionless       no-kine 
motor            makina; motori 
mould            forma 
mound            buno 
mount            gru 
mountain         buno; monti 
mourn            tristi 
mouse (animal)   Mus 
mouse (computer)  Mus 
mouth            buka; stoma 
move             ki; kine; moti 
move forward     avanti 
move oneself     kine 
move something   moti 
movement         kine 
movie theater    kinema 
mow (v)          seka 
much             mega; multi 
mud              limo 
muddle           konfusi; mixa 
multiply         multi 
multitude        poli-pe 
mum (mother)     matri 
murder           cide 
muscle           muskula 
mushy            moli 
music            musika 
must             nece 
mutual           alelo 
muzzle           rino 
my               mi 
myself           auto; mi auto 
mysterious       misteri 
mystery          kripti; misteri 
mystic           misteri 


nail             aku 
nail (finger)    ungu 
naked            nudi 
name             nomina 
narcotized       narko 
narrate          dice; nara 
narrative        histori; nara 
narrow           steno 
nasal            nasa 
nasty            kako; mali 
nation           natio 
national         natio 
nationality      natio 
natural          natura 
nature           fisika; natura 
naught           nuli; zero 
naughty          mali 
navy             u navi-fa 
near             proxi 
nearly           proxi 
necessary        nece 
necessity        nece 
neck             kola 
need             nece; volu 
needle           aku 
negative (v)     nega 
behave negatively   nega 
negotiate        negoti 
negotiation      negoti 
negotiations     negoti 
neighborhood     u para 
neighbourhood    u para ; peri-lo 
neither          ni 
neither ... nor  ni ... ni 
nepho-           nefo 
nerve            nervo 
nervous          nervoso 
nest             nidi 
net              reti 
nettle (annoy)   vexa 
network          nexu; reti 
neuter           neutra 
neutral          neutra 
never            nuli-kron 
never mind       ne importa 
nevertheless     anti-co 
new              neo 
new (again)      itera 
news             nova 
piece of news    nova 
news-item        nova 
newspaper        jurnali; nova-papira 
next             seqe 
next to          para 
nexus            nexu 
nibble           morda 
nice             gluko 
night            noktu 
pass the night   kli 
nil              nuli; zero 
nimble           tako 
nine             nona 
nipple (breast)  mama 
no               no; nuli; zero 
noble            grandi 
nocturnal        noktu 
node             nodi 
noise            kako-fono 
noiseless        no-soni; silento 
nominate         nomina; proposi; sugesti 
-nomy (suffix law)   nomi 
none             zero 
nonsense         no-semani 
before noon      pre meso-di 
nor              ni 
neither ...nor   ni ... ni 
normal           meso; norma 
north            nord 
nose             nasa; rino 
not              ne 
not moving       no-kine 
note             nota 
noted            famo 
nothing          nuli; zero 
notice           nota 
notice (with eyes)  oku 
notion           idea 
nought           zero 
nourish          sito 
novel (new)      neo 
novel (strange)  xeno 
now              nu 
nowadays         nu-di 
nowhere          nuli-lo 
noxious          noku 
nuclear          nuki 
nucleus          nuki 
nude             nudi 
nudge            kubita 
nuisance         vexa-ra 
null             nuli; zero 
nullify          nuli 
number           numera 
numerous         multi; poli 
nurse (male or female)  kura-pe 
nut              nuki 
nylon            niloni 


o'clock          horo 
oar              kope 
oath             jura 
obedience        obe 
obedient         obe 
obey             obe 
object (purpose)  buta; tende 
object (thing)   (-)ra 
obligation       debi 
oblige           dina 
observation      skope 
observe          nota; skope 
obstacle         no-facili 
obstinate        obstina; rigi 
obstruct         bloka; sto 
obtain           gene 
obvious          klari 
occasion         kron; okasio 
occidental       ocide 
occupation       ergo 
occupy           prende 
occur            acide 
ocean            oceani 
odd (unusual)    xeno 
odious           odio 
odor             odoro 
odour            odoro 
of               de 
of (concerning)  de 
of course        sura 
off              ab 
offence          akti mali 
offend           akti mali; mali 
offense          akti mali 
offer            ofere 
office           buro; ofice 
office worker    buro-pe 
officer          ofice-pe 
official (adj)   arki; ofice 
official (n)     ofice-pe 
offspring        fili 
often            freqe 
oil              olea 
old              paleo 
omit             ne 
omnibus          bus 
on               epi 
once             mo kron; pre-nu 
at once (immediately)  imedia 
one              mo; u (before all consonants but h, else =un); 
                   un (before vowels and h, else =u) 
one (person)     pe (short form of persona) 
one's            pe (short form of persona) 
oneself (reflexive)  se 
onion            Cepa 
only             solo 
onto             epi 
onwards          avanti 
open (adj)       aperi 
open (v)         aperi 
operate          funktio 
operation        funktio 
opinion          doxo 
be of the opinion   doxo 
opponent         anti-pe 
opportunity      okasio 
oppose           anti; resista 
opposite         kontra 
cease opposition   cede 
oppress          opresi 
optical          oku 
or               alo 
oral             stoma 
orange (colour)  rubi-xanto 
orange (fruit)   orange (French) 
orchestra        orkestra 
ordain (arrangement)  taxo 
ordain (priest)  ordina 
order (arrangement)  klasi; ordina; taxo 
order (command)  komanda 
order (demand)   demanda 
put in order     taxo 
order (series)   ordina; seri 
ordinary         vulga 
organ            organi 
organisation     organismo 
organise         regula 
organism         organismo 
organization     societa 
organize         sistema 
origin           origi 
original         ur(-) 
ornament         orna 
oscillate        oscila 
other            hetero 
otherwise        hetero 
ought            debi 
ought to         debi 
our              na 
ours             na 
ourselves        auto 
out              ex 
pull out         apo 
out from         ex 
out of           extra 
out of order     no-funktio 
outcome          seqe 
outdoor          extra 
outdoors         extra 
outer            extra 
outlook          vista 
outside          extra 
outstanding      perfekti 
outward          extra 
outwardly        extra 
outwards         extra 
oven             furna 
over             supra 
over (local)     supra 
over there       la 
overhead         supra 
overtake         veni a 
owe              debi 
owing (v)        kausa 
own (adj)        idio 
of his/her/its own (particular)  idio 
on one's own (alone)  solo 
one's own (possession)  proprie 
own (possess)    habe; proprie 
own (self)       auto 
owner            habe-pe 
ox               bovi 
oxidize          oxidi 
oxygen           oxigena 


P.M.             po meso-di 
pace             gradu 
pacify           paci 
pack (charge)    kargo 
package          paketa 
packet           paketa 
pad (n)          plaka 
page             pagina 
pail             manu-va 
pain             algo 
painful          algo 
paint            kroma; pikto 
painting         pikto 
pair             u bi 
palace           palati 
palaeo           paleo 
pale             klari 
pale (in colour)  palidi 
palisade         pali 
pallid           palidi 
pan              patela 
pane             lamina 
paper            papira 
parade           parada 
parallel         paraleli 
parcel           kapsu; paketa 
pardon           pardo 
parent           parenta 
park (n)         horti; parka 
park (v)         parka; statio 
parliament       parlamenta 
part             mero 
part (rôle)      mero 
part (v)         separa 
partial (favoring)  favo 
partial (partly)  mero 
participate      participa 
particle         partikula 
particular       idio 
partition        fragma 
partly           mero 
partner          asocia; socia 
partnership      societa 
party            festa 
party (celebrate)  celebra 
party (political)  grega 
party (team)     grega 
pass (hand over)  manu 
pass (happen)    acide 
pass an examination  sucede 
passage          steno-via 
passenger        viagia-pe 
passport         pasaporta 
past             pa; pa(-) 
paste            pasta 
pastry           pasta 
path             via 
patience         tolera 
patient (adj)    tolera 
be patient       tolera 
patient (n)      u pato-pe 
patron           cefa 
pattern          exempla; modela 
pauper           pove 
pause            pausa 
pavement         pedi-via 
paw              pedi; poda 
pay              paga 
pay tribute to   lauda 
payment          paga 
peace            paci 
peaceful         paci 
peak             akro 
pearl            margari 
peck             beka 
peculiar         idio 
peel             derma 
peep             oku 
pen              grafo-ru; pina; stilo 
ball-point pen   stilo 
penalize         puni 
penalty          puni 
pencil           grafo-ru; pencila 
pending          klina 
penetrate        ki in 
people           demo; popula 
pepper           piperi 
per              per 
perceive         este; sensi 
perceive (with eyes)  oku 
perch            rami 
perfect          perfekti 
perforate        fora 
perform          akti 
performance      akti 
perhaps          posi 
peril            risko 
period           eva; tem 
period (dot)     punkta 
permanent        dura 
permission       permito 
permit           lase; permito 
persist          dura 
person           homi; pe (short form of persona); 
                   -pe (short affix form of persona); persona 
personal         persona 
perspective      vista 
persuade         sti kredi 
pest             pesti 
pet (caress)     karesa 
petition         petitio 
petrol           benzina 
petty            mikro; no-gravi; pusi 
phobia           fobo 
-phone           fono 
photo- (light)   foto 
photograph       fotografi 
phrase           frase 
physics          fisika 
piano            piano 
pick (chose)     elekti 
pick (collect)   kolekti 
pick (take)      prende 
pick up          cepti; prende 
picture          imagina; pikto 
picture (v)      imagi 
piece            mero 
piece (literary)  koma 
piece of furniture  mobili 
pierce           fora 
pig              sui 
pile             kumu; mega; poli 
pile up          stru 
pillar           pali 
pillow           pulvina 
pilot            duce-pe 
pimple           butona 
pin              aku; spina 
pink             rosa 
pip              sperma 
pipe             pipa; tubi 
pipeline         tubi 
pirate           pirata 
pit              fosi; kavita 
pitch            area 
pitchfork        furka 
pity             simpati 
place (extended)  loka 
place (punctiform)  topo (or short form to) 
place (v)        loka; moti 
plague           pato 
plain (simple)   simpli 
plait            strepto 
plan             skema 
plane (flat)     plati 
planet           planeta 
plank            taba 
plant (n)        herba; planta 
plant (v)        planta 
plaster          gipso 
plastic          plastika 
plate            disko; lamina 
platform         plataforma; tribuna 
play (especially sport)  sporta 
play (game)      ludi; sporta 
play (joke)      joko 
play (music)     soni 
play-thing       sporta-ra 
plea             preka 
pleasant         gluko; hedo 
please           place 
pleased          hedo 
pleasure         hedo; place 
give pleasure    place 
pleat            plika 
pledge           promise 
plenty           mega; multi; sufici 
plot (ground)    area 
pluck (harvest)  karpe 
pluck (pick)     prende 
plug (electric)  klavi 
plume            pina 
plump            plumpa 
plunder          klepto 
plunge           merge 
plural           plu 
plus             plus 
pm               po meso-di 
pocket           marsu 
poem             poesi 
poet             poeta 
poetry           poesi 
point (dot)      punkta 
point (indicate)  indika 
point (sharp)    akro 
point to         indika 
pointless        vani 
poison           toxi 
poisonous        toxi 
poke             pulsa 
pole             kolumni; pali 
police           polica 
policeman        polica-an 
policy           polisi 
polish (n)       lustra 
polish (v)       lustra 
polite           civili 
political        politika 
politics         politika 
poly-            poli 
pond             stagna 
ponder           ponde 
pool             laku; stagna 
poor             pove 
popular          popula 
popularity       popula 
population       demo; popula 
pork             sui 
port (harbour)   asilu 
port (opening in ship)  porta 
porter           fero-pe 
portion          mero 
position         loka; topo (or short form to) 
positive         sura 
possess          habe; proprie 
possibility      posi-ra 
possible         posi 
possibly         posi 
post (mail)      posta 
post (pole)      kolumni; pali 
post (send)      bali; posta 
post meridiem    po meso-di 
posterior        poste 
postpone         fu 
postulate        postula 
cooking-pot      buli-va 
pot (vase)       (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
potato           potato 
pottery          kerami 
pouch            saka 
pour             fusi 
powder           farina; pulve 
powder (v)       pulve 
powdery          pulve 
power            dina; pote 
power (engine or computer)  dina 
powerful         dina 
practice         exercise; praxi 
practise         praxi 
praise           lauda 
prance           salta 
pray             preka 
prayer           preka 
precious         fo-valu; mega-preci 
precise          exakti 
prefer           ma-amo; prefere 
(prefix:) male   an- 
premier          proto 
premium          premi 
preparation      prepara 
prepare          prepara 
prepared         prepara 
prescription     formula 
presence         es la 
present          doro 
be present       es la 
present (gift)   doro 
present (now)    nu 
present (time)   nu 
present time     nu 
presently (soon)  nu-fu 
preserve         tena 
president        presidenti 
press (periodicals)  presa 
press (urge)     urge 
press (v)        presa 
press for        urge 
pressure         presa 
pretend          fikti; pretende 
pretty           kali 
prevail          vikto 
prevent          sto 
prevent (by advising)  monito 
previous         pre 
price            preci 
prick (v)        aku; punge 
pride            auto-lauda 
priest           preka-pe 
primary          elementa; proto 
primitive        primitive 
principal        cefa 
principle        regula 
print            presa; tipo 
prior            pre 
priority         duce 
prison           karcera 
private          idio 
privilege        favo; privilegi 
prize            premi 
pro              avanti 
probability      fortuna 
probable         posi; probabili 
probably         posi; probabili 
probe            examina 
problem          enigma; misteri; problema 
proclaim         voci 
procure          gene 
prod             sti 
produce (make)   face; krea 
produce (n)      u ge-face 
produce (show)   monstra 
productive       fertili 
profess (declare belief)  konfesi 
profess (teach)  doci 
profess (work)   profesio 
profession       profesio 
profit           premi; profito; sucede 
profound         profunda 
program          programa 
program (computer)  programa 
programme        programa 
progress         progresi 
prohibit         veto 
prohibition      veto 
project (n)      projekti 
project (v)      projekti 
prominent (famous)  famo 
promise          promise; sponsa 
prompt           sti; tako 
pronounce        soni 
pronunciation    soni 
proof            basi; verifi 
propeller        helika 
proper           deko; gru; korekti 
property         gru 
property (possessions)  habe; proprie 
property (quality)  qalita 
prophesy         divina 
proposal         proposi 
propose          proposi; sugesti 
proprietor       habe-pe 
prospect         vista 
prosper          profito 
protect          alexi; imuni 
protected        imuni 
protective       alexi 
protest          protesta 
proud            auto-lauda 
prove            proba 
provide          prepara 
provoke          sti 
prudent          sofi 
psyche           psiko 
psychic          psiko 
psychical        psiko 
psycho           psiko 
public           publika 
publication      ge-publika-ra; publika 
publicize        publika 
publish          publika 
puff             fla 
pull             tira (French); trakto 
pull out         apo 
pulsate          pulsa 
pulse            pulsa 
pump             pumpa 
punch            pugna 
punctual         a-kron; punkta 
puncture         fora; punge 
punish           puni 
punishment       puni 
pupil (academic)  stude-pe 
pupil (learner)  disci-pe 
purchase         merka 
pure             puri 
purify           puri 
purpose          buta; tende 
purse            bursa; saka 
pursue           casa 
push             impakti; pulsa 
put              loka; moti 
put into gear    sti 
putrid           sapro 
puzzle           enigma 
pyre             piro 


quake            seiso 
qualify          limita 
quality          qalita 
quantity         qantita 
quarrel          disputa 
quarrelsome      disputa 
quarter          qarto 
quarter (district)  mero 
queen            fe-regi 
queer            xeno 
quell            sto 
query            qestio 
quest            cerka 
question         qestio 
...? (question start)   qe ...? 
queue            kauda 
quick            rapidi; sti; tako 
be quick         vola 
quiet            no-soni 
quit             ki ab 
quite            holo 
quiver           tremulo 


rabbit           kuni 
rabid            rabi 
race (competition)  dromo; kompeti 
rack             skeleto 
radar            radar 
radiate          radia 
radiating        radia 
radiation        radia 
radio            radio 
radio station    radio 
radius           radia 
rafter           traba 
rag              textili 
rage             koleri 
raging           rabi 
raid             razia 
rail (for trains)  raila 
rail (horizontal or sloping bar)  raila 
railway          feru-via 
rain             pluvi 
raise            leva 
raise (agriculture)  kulti 
ramble           vaga 
ramify           rami 
random           fortuna; risko 
range            monti-line 
rank             klasi; ordina; status 
ransom           preci 
ransom (v)       merka 
rap              tipo 
rape             viole 
rapid            rapidi; tako 
rapidity         rapidi; tako 
rare             rari 
rasp (v)         razo 
rate             tako 
rather (more willingly)  prefere 
rather (somewhat)  limita; sub (don't mix with su) 
rather like      homo 
raw              krudi 
ray (spoke)      radio 
razor (knife)    seka-ru 
re               itera; re 
're (short for are)  es 
reach            tensio a; veni a 
react            reakti 
reaction         reakti 
read             lekto 
reading          lekto 
ready            prepara 
real             reali 
reality          reali 
realize (convert into a fact)  reali 
really           reali 
reap             karpe 
rear             poste 
rear (n)         dorsa 
reason (n)       basi; logika; sti 
reason (v)       logika 
reasonable       logika 
rebel            anti-krati 
rebuke           kritici 
receive          cepti; gene 
receptacle       (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
recipe           formula 
reckon           puta 
reckon (estimate)  valu 
recognition      rekogni 
recognize        rekogni 
recollect        memo 
recommend        konsili 
record           nota; rekorda 
record (disc)    disko 
record (sport)   rekorda 
record (v)       fixa 
rectangle        rektangula 
rectangular      rektangula 
recurrence       re 
recursion        re 
recycle          re-uti 
red              rubi 
reduce           mei; reduce 
reduction        reduce 
reel (v)         mali gresi 
referee          judika-pe 
refine           puri 
reform           gene ma-boni 
refrain          ne akti 
refuge           asilu 
refusal          refusa 
refuse           nega; refusa 
regal            regi 
regard (care)    kura 
regard (greeting)  saluta 
regard (look)    skope 
regard (respect)  respekto 
with regard to   de 
regent           regi 
regime           krati 
region           area; loka 
register (n)     lista 
register (v)     lista 
regret           penite 
regular          uniforma 
regulate         regula 
rehearse         proba 
rein             krati-fi 
rejoice          hedo 
relate           relati 
related          kognato 
relating to      de 
relation         relati 
relationship     relati 
relative         relativi 
release          laxa; libe 
relevant         gru 
religion         religio 
religious        religio 
rely             kredi 
remain           resta 
remark           dice; nota 
remedy           repara 
remember         memo 
remind           sti memo 
remote           tele 
remove           apo 
render (give)    dona 
rendezvous       unio 
renown           famo 
rent (n)         eko-preci 
rent (v)         tem-uti 
repair           repara 
repast           sito 
repeal           nuli 
repeat           itera 
repel            retro 
repent           penite 
repetition       itera; re 
replace          versi; vice 
reply            reakti 
report           histori; nara 
represent        representa 
representative   representa 
republic         republika 
reputation       famo 
request          petitio 
require          volu 
requisition      petitio 
rescue           salva 
research         recerka 
resemble         homo 
reservation      salva 
reserve          salva 
reside           eko 
resign           linqi ergo 
resin            gumi 
resist           resista 
resistance       resista 
resolute         no-cede 
resolve          decide 
resources        pluto 
respect          honora; respekto 
respectable      boni 
respire          spira 
respond          reakti 
responsible      liabili 
responsive       sensitivi 
rest             pausa 
rest (stay)      resta 
restaurant       vora-do 
restore          repara; versi 
restrain         tena 
restrict         limita 
result           seqe 
retain           tena 
retard           po-kron 
retardation      po-kron 
retire           cede; ki ab 
retort           reakti 
retreat          ki ab 
retrospect       memo 
return           itera; versi 
return to beginning  re 
reveal           info; monstra 
revenge          puni 
reversal         versi 
reverse          versi 
revert           versi 
review           kritici 
revise           ma-boni 
revolt           anti-krati 
revolve          gira; rota; tropi 
reward           premi 
rhino-           rino 
rhythm           ritmo 
rib              kosta 
ribbon           banda 
rice             Oriza 
rich             pluto 
rid              libe 
riddle           enigma 
ridicule         ridi 
ridiculous       stupidi 
rifle            fusili 
right (correct)  korekti 
right (hand)     dextro 
right (just)     justi 
right (n)        nomi; privilegi 
right away       imedia 
right hand       dextro 
right-hand       dextro 
rigid            rigi 
rigorous         severi 
rile             vexa 
rim              margina 
ring (circular band)  zona 
ring (sound)     soni; tintina 
ringlet          ciru 
riot             milita 
ripe             matura 
ripen            matura 
rise (go up)     ana; surge 
rise (grow)      kresce 
risk             risko 
rite             ritu 
ritual           ritu 
rival            rivali 
river            fluvi 
rivulet          pusi-fluvi 
road             via 
roam             vaga 
roar             voci 
rob              klepto 
rock             petro 
rocket           raketa 
rod              baci 
rôle             mero 
roll             rola 
roll of paper    papira 
roof             stego 
room             -ka (short affix form of kamera); kamera; volumi 
lecture room     atri 
-room            -ka (short affix form of kamera) 
rooster          an-galina 
root             radi 
rope             korda 
rose             rosa 
rot              sapro 
rotate           gira; rola; rota; tropi 
rough            krudi 
round            rondo 
go round         rota; tropi 
rouse            sti vigi 
rove             vaga 
row (a boat)     kope 
row (dispute)    disputa 
row (n)          seri 
royal            regi 
rub (caress)     karesa 
rub (friction)   frika 
rubber           gumi 
ruby             rubi 
ruddy            rubi 
rude             krudi; no-facili 
ruffian          stupidi 
rug              tape 
ruin             ruina 
rule (authority)  arki; imperi; krati 
rule (standard)  nomi; regula; teori 
ruler            regi; regula 
rumor            rumora 
rumour           rumora 
rump             dorsa 
run              dromo 
run (for office)  ofere se 
run away         fugi 
running          flu 
rural            rura 
rush             peti; vola 
rust             oxidi 
rustle           susura 


's (genitive marker)  de 
's (short for is)  es 
-s (plural sign)  plu 
sack             saka 
sacred           sankti 
sacrifice        sakrifice 
sad              non-hedo; tristi 
sadistic         sadi (French) 
sadness          tristi 
safe             imuni; sekuri 
safe place       asilu 
safeguard        alexi 
safety           imuni 
sag              pende 
sage             sofi 
sail             veli 
saint (adj)      sankti 
saint (v)        sankti 
sale             vendo 
salt             sali 
salute           saluta 
same             homo 
at the same time  simul 
sample           exempla 
sand             arena 
sap              suku 
satisfaction     sati 
satisfactory     sati 
satisfy          sati 
saucepan         buli-va 
savage           agrio 
save             salva 
save (computer file)  salva 
say              dice 
scaffolding      skeleto 
scale (body cover)  lepido 
scale (lose or remove scales)  lepido 
scales (weighing)  libra 
scamper          dromo 
scanty           no-sati 
scarce           rari 
scatter          difusi 
scene            skeni; vista 
scenery          vista 
scent            odoro 
schedule         lista 
scheme           skema 
schism           divide; fisu; skizo 
school           sko-do 
schoolhouse      sko-do 
schooling        sko 
science          skience 
scientific       skience 
scissors         cisori 
scold            kritici 
scoop            spata 
scorch           bruno 
score            buta; suma 
scorn            pusi-valu 
scout            detekti 
scramble         repti 
scrape           frika; razo 
scratch          marka; razo 
scream           fo-voci; voci 
screech          voci 
folding screen   skuta 
screen (general)  skuta 
screen (TV, video)  skuta 
screw            heliku 
script           grafo 
scrub            brosa 
sculpture        forma 
sea              mari 
search           cerka; skope 
season           tem 
long seat        benca 
seat (n)         sedi-mo 
seat (v)         sedi 
secret           kripti 
secretary        sekretari 
section          mero 
secure           sekuri 
security         sekuri 
see (look)       oku; vide 
see (understand)  logi 
see-saw          oscila 
seed             grana; sperma 
seeing           vista 
seek             cerka 
seem             feno 
seemly           deko 
seen (the)       vista 
seize            kapti; prende; rapi 
seizure          kapti 
seldom           rari 
select           elekti 
selection        elekti 
self             auto; se 
self (reflexive)  se 
self-acting      automati 
selfish          egotisti 
sell             vendo 
senate           senato 
send             bali; mite 
senior           supra 
sense            este; sensi 
senseless        no-semani 
sensible         sensi 
sensible (resulting from practice)  praxi 
sensitive        sensitivi 
sentence         frase 
separate (adj)   idio; separa 
separate (v)     divide; lisi; separa 
separation       separa 
septic           pato 
sequence         seqe 
sequential       seqe 
series           seri 
serious          gravi 
sermon           religio dice 
serpent          serpenti 
servant          dulo 
serve            servi 
service          servi 
set (n)          (-)fa 
set back         retro 
set going        sti 
set in motion    sti 
set up           gru 
settle           decide 
seven            seti 
several          oligo 
severe           severi 
sew              sue 
sewing           sue 
sex              sexu 
sexual           sexu 
sexy             sexu 
shabby           mali; no-puri 
shade            skoto; umbra 
shade (hue)      tinta 
shadow           umbra 
shake            oscila; seiso; tremulo; vibra 
shall (future tense)  fu 
shallow          no-profunda 
sham             falsi 
shame            pude 
shape            forma 
shape (v)        fikti 
shapeless        amorfo 
share            mero 
share (v)        divide 
sharing          komuni 
sharp            akuto 
sharpen          akuto 
shatter          pulve 
shave            razo 
she              fe 
sheaf            (-)fa 
shear            cisori 
sheath           teka 
shed (liquid)    fusi 
shed (n)         pusi-do 
sheer            puri 
sheet            lamina 
shelf            pla 
shell (bomb)     bomba 
shelter          asilu; tegu 
shield (n)       skuta 
shield (v)       skuta 
shift            moti 
shine            lampa; lumi; radia; splendi 
ship (n)         navi 
ship (v)         mite 
shirk            evita 
shirt            intra-ve 
shiver           tremulo 
shock            deino; impakti; trauma 
shoe             pedi-ve 
shoot            fusili 
shop             boteka 
shore            kosta; litora 
short            brevi 
should           debi 
shoulder         skapa 
shout            voci 
shove            pulsa 
shovel           spata 
show (n)         monstra 
show (v)         monstra 
show up          surge 
shower (bath)    dusca (French) 
shower (rain)    pluvi 
shrewd           intelige; strategi 
shrewd (resulting from practice)  praxi 
shrewdness       strategi 
shrill           akuto 
shrug            leva 
shudder          tremulo 
shun             evita 
shut (closed)    ge-klavi 
shut (v)         klude 
shut in          inklude 
shutter          tegu 
sick             mali; pato 
sickness         pato 
side             latu 
side (shore)     kosta 
siege            peri 
sight            vista 
sign             sema; signi 
signal           indika; sema; signi 
signature        signatura 
significance     signifi 
significant      signifi 
signify          semani; signifi 
silence          no-soni; silento 
silent           no-soni; silento 
silk             larva-fi 
silly            fatuo; stupidi 
silver           argenti 
similar          homo 
similarity       homo 
simple           elementa; simpli 
simply           simpli 
simultaneous     iso-tem 
since            ex; po 
since (because)  kausa 
sincere          honesti; veri 
sing             kanta; melodi 
single           mo; solo mo 
singular         solo mo 
sink             kata; ki kata 
sink (plunge)    merge 
sister           fe-sibi 
sister (or brother)  sibi 
sit              sedi 
site             loka 
situation        loka; stato 
six              sixa 
size (glue)      glu 
size (measurements)  metri 
skate (on ice)   glisa 
skeleton         skeleto 
sketch (draw)    grafo 
skid             glisa 
skilful          tekno 
skill            arti; tekno 
skilled          tekno 
skillful         tekno 
skim             apo; glisa 
skin             derma; peli 
skip             salta 
skipper          kapitana 
skirt            infra toga 
sky              urani 
sky blue         ciano 
slab             plaka; taba 
slack            flaci; laxa 
slander          mali-dice 
slant            klina 
slave            dulo 
slay             cide 
sleep            kli; somni 
slice            lamina 
slice (n)        mero 
slice (v)        seka 
slide            glisa 
slight           pusi 
slime            limo 
sling            pende-te 
slip             glisa 
slit             seka 
slope            klina 
slow             lento; tardi 
slowly           lento 
slumber          somni 
sly              tekno-mali 
smack            manu; tipo 
small            mikro; pusi 
smallest         mini 
smart (clever)   tekno 
smash            fria 
smear            makula 
smell            odoro 
smell (v)        nasa 
smelt (melt)     fusi 
smile            sub-ridi 
smite            bate 
smoke            fumi 
smokestack       fumi-tubi 
smooth           glabro 
snake            serpenti 
snap (bite)      morda 
snappy           rapidi 
snare            kapti; trapa 
snatch           rapi 
snatch away      apo 
sneeze           snaza 
sniff            nasa 
snout            rino 
snow             nivi 
snowy            nivi 
so               so 
so (therefore)   ka-co 
so that          tende 
soak             aqa 
soap             sapo 
social           sociali 
society          societa 
sock             pedi-te 
soft             gluko; moli 
softness         gluko 
software (computer)  programa 
soil             solu; tera 
solar            heli 
soldier          milita-pe 
solely           solo 
solemn           solemni 
solid            gravi; solidi 
solidify         fixa 
solitary         solo 
solitude         solo 
solo             solo 
solution         solve 
solve            solve 
somatic          soma 
some             plu; uno(-) 
some-            uno(-) 
somebody         persona; uno-pe 
somehow          uno-mode 
someone          uno-pe 
something        uno-ra 
sometimes        plu kron 
someway          uno-mode 
somewhat         sub (don't mix with su) 
somewhere        uno-lo 
son              an-fili 
son (or daughter)  fili 
song             kanta; melodi 
soon             nu-fu; tosto 
soothe           kalma 
soothsay         sibila 
-sophy           sofi 
sore             algo 
sorrow           non-hedo; tristi 
sorry            penite 
sort (n)         speci 
soul             psiko; spiritu 
sound (acoustic)  fono; soni 
soundless        no-soni; silento 
soup             supa 
sour             akidi 
sour ("sharp" taste)  akuto 
source           fonta; origi; radi 
south            sud 
southern         sud 
sovereign        regi 
space            spaci; volumi 
spacious         lati 
spade            spata 
span             tensio 
spare            dona; plus 
spare time       libe-tem 
sparking plug (candle)  kandela 
sparkle          scinti 
spasm            spasmo 
speach           dice 
speak            dice; frase; loqi 
special          idio 
species          speci 
specimen         exempla 
spectacle        vista 
spectacles       plu lenti 
speculate        spekula 
speech           dice; dice-ra; loqi 
speed            rapidi; tako 
speedy           rapidi; tako 
spend            spende 
sphere           bola 
spill            fusi; mal-fusi 
spin             gira; rota; tropi 
spine            spina 
spiral           helika 
spirit           spiritu 
spirit (alcohol)  alkoholi 
spite            miso 
splendid         radia; splendi 
splendor         splendi 
splendour        splendi 
splint           fixa 
splinter         aku 
split            divide; fisu; skizo 
spoil (damage)   noku 
spoke (ray)      radio 
sponge           spongi 
spoon            spatula 
sport            ludi; sporta 
spot             topo (or short form to) 
spot (mark, stain)  makula 
spotless         puri 
spouse           sponsa 
spout            beka 
sprain           strepto 
spread           difusi; extende 
spring (coil)    elasti 
spring (season)  blasto-tem 
spring (source)  fonta 
springtime       blasto-tem 
sprint           tako 
spy              espio; oti 
squabble         disputa 
squander         disipa; lose 
square           qadra 
square (frame)   qadra 
squeeze          presa 
stab             daga 
stability        stabili 
stable           stabili 
staff (rod)      baci 
staff (workers)  plu ergo-pe 
stage            skeni 
stain            makula 
staircase        skala 
stairs           skala 
stairway         skala 
stake (n)        pali 
stalk            kauli 
stamp (v)        stampa 
stand            sta 
stand out        projekti 
standard         norma 
star             astro 
start            proto 
start (process)  sti 
starve           famina 
state (condition)  stato 
stately          grandi 
statement        dice-ra 
station          statio 
radio station    radio 
stationary       no-kine 
stationed        statio 
statue           statua 
stature          statura 
status           stato; status 
stay             resta 
stay behind      resta 
steady           stabili 
steal            klepto 
stealthy         kripti 
steam            vapo 
steel            dura feru 
steep            fo-klina 
steer            krati 
stem             kauli 
step             gradu 
stern            severi 
stew             kuko 
steward          servi-pe 
stick (baton)    baci 
stick (branch)   rami 
stick (glue)     glu 
stick (join)     hesi 
sticky           hesi 
stiff (rigid)    rigi 
still (continue)  dura 
still (even)     klu 
still (not moving)  no-kine 
still (yet)      ankora 
stimulate        sti; stimula 
sting            punge 
stitch           sue 
stock (store)    tena 
stocking         poda-te 
stomach          gastro 
stone            lito; petro 
stool            sedi-mo 
stop             pausa; sto 
stop (station)   statio 
store            stora 
storehouse       stora-do 
storey           pedi-lo 
storm            tempestu 
story            histori 
stout (adj)      paki 
stove            furna; kuko-me 
straight         orto; rekti 
straight away    imedia 
strain           tensio 
strait           steno 
strand           (-)fi 
strange          xeno 
strap (paper)    papira 
strategy         strategi 
stream (n)       pusi-fluvi 
stream (v)       flu 
street           via 
strength         dina; resista 
stress           tensio 
stretch          tensio 
stretching (n)   tensio 
strict           severi 
stride           gradu 
strife           disputa; milita 
strike           tipo 
strike (extinguish)  sto 
strike (hit)     bate 
strike (labor)   sto ergo 
string           (-)fi; korda 
stringent        severi 
strip (band)     banda 
strip (of something)  (-)fi 
strip (paper)    papira 
stripe           stria 
strive           lukta 
stroke           impakti 
stroke (caress)  karesa 
stroke (hit)     tipo 
stroke (n)       bola 
stroll           ambula 
strong           forti (or short form fo); fo(-) (short form of forti); 
structure        struktura 
struggle         lukta 
stubborn         obstina 
student          stude-pe 
study            disci; stude 
stuff            -ma (short affix form of materia); materia 
stumble          proxi kade 
stupid           stupidi 
style            mode; stilo 
subdue           dama 
subject          tema 
submarine        submarina 
submerge         merge 
subsequent       seqe 
substance        -ma (short affix form of materia); materia 
substitute       vice 
subtract         apo; minus 
succeed          profito; sucede 
success          profito; sucede 
successful       sucede 
succulent        suku 
such             tali 
such a           tali 
suck             sugo 
suck up          sugo 
sudden           subito 
suddenly         subito 
suddenness       rapidi 
suffer           pato 
suffer with      simpati 
sufferance       pato 
suffering        algo; pato 
suffice          sati; sufici 
sufficient       sati; sufici 
sugar            sukro-ma 
suggest          proposi; sugesti 
suggestion       sugesti 
suit (clothes)   vesti-fa 
suit (v)         gru 
suitable         gru 
sum              suma 
summer           termo-tem 
summing          suma 
summit           akro 
sun              heli 
superior         supra 
superstition     mali-kredi 
supervise        supra-visi 
supper           vespera-vora 
supply           dona; stora 
support          tena 
suppose          postula 
suppress         sto 
supreme          maxi 
sure             certa; sekuri; sura 
surface          facia 
surplus          resta 
surprise         mira; subito 
surrender        cede 
surround         peri 
surroundings     peri-lo 
survey           examina 
survive          dura vive 
susceptible      sensitivi 
suspect          kredi 
suspend          pende 
sustain          tena 
swallow          gluto 
swarm            grega 
sway             oscila 
swear (curse)    mali-dice 
swear (oath)     jura 
swear oath       jura 
sweep            brosa 
sweet            gluko; sukro 
sweetness        gluko 
swell (v)        tumo 
swelling         tumo 
swerve           latu 
swift (quick)    rapidi; tako 
swim (active)    nekto 
swim (float)     plankto 
swimming         nekto 
swine            sui 
swing            oscila; vibra 
switch off       sto 
switch on        sti 
swollen          tumo 
swoop            kata 
sword            gladia 
sympathetic      simpati 
sympathise       simpati 
sympathy         simpati 
symptom          simpto 
system           sistema 
systematic       sistema 


table (furniture)  mensa 
tablet (slab)    plaka 
tack             aku 
tackle (n)       instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
tail (n)         kauda 
take             prende 
take action      akti 
take an oath     jura 
take away        apo 
take care        kura 
take in          cepti 
take up          cepti 
talk             dice; diskusi; konversa; loqi 
tall             alti 
talon            ungu 
tame             dama 
tan              bruno 
tank             (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
tap (valve)      valva 
tape             banda 
taper            tenu 
-taph            tafo 
tar              bitumino 
tardy            lento; po-kron 
target           buta 
task             buta; kargo 
taste            gusta 
taste (test)     gusta 
tasteless        krudi 
tax              fiska 
taxi             taxi 
tea              tea 
teach            doci 
teacher          doci-pe 
teaching         sko 
teak             teka 
team             grega 
tear (eye)       lakrima 
tear (separate)  skizo 
tear out         apo 
technical        tekno 
techno-          tekno 
telephone        telefono 
telescope        teleskope 
television       televisio 
tell             dice; nara 
temper           koleri 
temperament      karakteri 
temperature      temperatura 
tempest          tempestu 
temple           religio-do 
temporary        brevi tem 
tempt            stimula 
ten              deka 
tend (care for)  kulti; kura 
tend (intention)  tende 
tendency         tende 
tender           gluko; kura; sensitivi 
tenderness       gluko 
tenement         eko-lo 
tense            tensio 
tension          tensio 
tent             te-do 
term             ge-fixa tem 
terminate        fini; sto 
terrain          tera 
terrible         deino 
territorial      teritori 
territory        loka; teritori 
terror           deino 
test             examina; proba 
tether           liga 
tetra-           tetra 
textile          textili 
than             de 
thank            gratia 
thanks           gratia 
that (final conjunction)  tende 
that (pronoun)   u-la ('the there') 
so that          tende 
thaw             liqi 
the              u (before all consonants but h, else =un); 
                   un (before vowels and h, else =u) 
theater          teatra 
theatre          teatra 
theatrical       teatra 
their            mu 
theirs           mu 
them             mu 
theme            tema; topika 
themselves       auto 
then             po-co; u-la kron 
theo-            teo 
theoretical      teori 
theory           nomi; teori 
therapy          kura; terapi 
there            la 
there is/are     es 
therefore        ka-co 
these            plu-ci 
these two books  bi-ci bibli 
thesis           tema 
they             mu 
they (female)    mu 
they (male)      mu 
thick (dense)    densi 
thick (stout)    paki 
thicket          densi-lo 
thief            klepto-pe 
thieve           klepto 
thin             tenu 
thing            (-)ra 
think            puta 
third            tri 
thirst           dipso 
this             u-ci ('the here') 
thorn            spina 
thorough         kura 
those            plu-la 
those two books  bi-la bibli 
thou             tu 
though           anti; anti-co 
thought          idea; puta 
thousand         kilo 
thrash (beat)    bate 
thread           (-)fi 
threat           menace 
threaten         menace 
three            tri 
thrift           ekonomi 
thrill           excite 
throat           kola 
throb            pulsa 
throng           poli-pe; presa 
through          dia 
throw            bali 
throw (n)        bola 
thru             dia 
thrust           pulsa 
thumb            brevi digi 
thunder          bronto 
thus             so 
ticket           bileta 
tidy             sistema 
tie              liga; nexu 
tiger            tigri 
tight            fixa 
tight (strong)   forti (or short form fo); fo(-) (short form of forti) 
tile             tegula 
till             a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad); 
                   ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 
till (cultivate)  kulti 
till (until)     a-kron 
tilt             klina 
timber           ligni 
time ((clock) time)  horo 
time (instant)   kron 
time (period)    tem 
at the same time  simul 
timetable        horo-tabla 
timid            nervoso 
tin (Sn)         stani 
tinge            kroma 
tinkle           tintina 
tint             tinta 
tiny             mikro; pusi 
tip (top)        akro 
tire (tyre)      rota-zo 
tire (v)         fatiga 
tired            fatiga 
tissue           tisu 
title            titula 
to               a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad); 
                   ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 
to (in order to)  tende 
today            nu-di 
toe              digi; pedi-digi 
together         komuni; simul 
together with    ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon); 
                   kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko) 
token            signi 
tolerance        tolera 
tolerant         liberali; tolera 
tolerate         tolera 
tomb             morta-lo; tafo 
tomorrow         fu-di 
tongue           glosa; lingua 
tonight          nu-noktu 
too (also)       plus 
too (in a too high degree)  excesi; tro (French) 
tool             instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
tooth            denti 
top              supra 
top (highest point)  akro 
topic            tema; topika 
topple           kade 
torment          noku; tortu 
torture          tortu 
toss             bali 
total            holo; suma 
touch            palpa 
touchy           sensitivi 
tough            dura; resista 
tour             viagia 
tourist          viagia-pe 
tow              trakto 
towards          a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad); 
                   ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 
tower            turi 
town             civita 
toxin            toxi 
toy              sporta-ra 
trace            indika; marka 
track            ikno; via 
track (v)        ikno 
trade            komerci 
tradition        traditio 
traffic          cirkulati 
trail            ikno 
train (practice)  exercise 
train (railway)  trena 
train (v)        doci 
training         sko 
trait            karakteri 
transact         akti 
transfer         fero; moti 
transform        muta 
translate        translati 
translucent      luci 
transmit         mite 
transparent      luci 
transport        fero 
trap             trapa 
trap (trick)     strategi 
travel           viagia 
traverse         kruci; trans 
treacherous      falsi 
treacle          sukro-ma 
tread            pedi 
treason          anti-krati 
treasure         tresora 
treat (therapy)  kura; medika; terapi 
treatment        terapi; uti 
treaty           akorda 
tree             dendro 
tremble          tremulo 
trench           longi kavita 
trial (try)      proba; tenta 
tribe            tribu 
tribunal         tribuna 
trick            strategi 
trickle          mikro; pusi 
tries (form of to try)  tenta 
trifling         no-gravi; pusi 
trim (v)         puta 
trip (fall)      kade 
trip (journey)   viagia 
trivial          no-gravi 
troop (crowd)    poli-pe 
tropical         tropika 
tropics          tropika 
trouble          turba 
trousers         poda-ve 
truck            kargo-vagona 
true             veri 
truly            veri 
truncheon        korina 
trunk (animal)   trompa 
trust            kredi 
trust (confide)  fide 
truth            veri 
try              tenta 
try to get       petitio 
tub              kupa 
tube             pipa; tubi 
the tube (underground)  tubi 
tuck (fold)      plika 
tug (pull)       tira (French); trakto 
tuition          sko 
tumble           kade 
tumor            tumo 
tumour           tumo 
tumult           kako-fono 
tune             melodi 
tunic            tunika 
turf             gra 
turn             gira; tropi; versi 
your turn        vice 
turn around      versi 
turn down        nega; refusa 
turn into        gene 
turn off         sto 
turn on          sti 
turret           turi 
tutor            doci-pe 
TV               televisio 
twelve           mo-bi 
twice            bi kron 
twine            korda 
twinkle          scinti 
twirl            gira 
twist            strepto 
twist (especially if causing pain)  tortu 
twist (wind)     serpenti 
twisting         serpenti; strepto 
two              bi 
these two books   bi-ci bibli 
type (class)     tipo 
type (example)   tipo 
type (letter)    tipo 
type (write)     tipo 
typical          tipika 
tyre             rota-zo 


ugly             no-kali 
ultimate         ultima 
ultra            ultra 
umbrella         pluvi skuta 
umpire           judika 
un-              apo 
unanimous        akorda 
uncertain        no-sura 
uncle            parenta-fratri 
uncommon         rari 
uncouth          krudi 
uncultured       krudi 
under            infra; intra; sub (don't mix with su) 
undermine        ruina 
understand       logi 
understanding    logi 
undertake        akorda; promise 
underwear        intra-ve 
undesirable      kako 
undo             no-face 
undoubtedly      sura 
undue            tro (French) 
undulate         unda 
uneasiness       anxio 
uneasy           anxio 
unexplained      misteri 
unfasten         laxa 
unfortunate      mali fortuna 
unfortunately    mali fortuna 
ungula           ungu 
unhappy          non-hedo 
uniform (regular)  uniforma 
unimportant      no-gravi 
union            liga; nexu; unio 
unique           idio 
unit             unita 
unite            liga; nexu; unio 
unity            unita 
universal        generali; universa 
universe         universa 
university       universita 
unless           si ne ... 
unsightly        no-kali 
until            a-kron 
untruth          falsi 
unusual          xeno 
up               ana 
up to            a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad); 
                   ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 
up-to-date       nu 
uphold           akorda; tena 
upon             epi 
upper            supra 
upright          orto 
upright (direction)  orto 
upright (honest)  honesti 
upset (stop)     sto 
upset (trouble)  turba 
upstairs         supra 
upwards          ana 
urge             urge 
urge on          stimula 
urgent           nece 
us               na 
use              uti 
useful           funktio; uti 
be useful        servi 
useless          no-funktio; vani 
using            uti 
usual            more 
utensil          instrumenta (long form of ru); 
                   (-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 
utilize          uti 
utmost           maxi; ultima 
utter (speak)    dice; expresi 
utter (whole)    holo 


vacancy          vaku 
vacant           kavita; vaku 
vacation         feria; libe-tem 
vacuous          vaku 
vacuum           vaku 
vain             aroga; no-funktio; no-profito; vani 
in vain          vani 
vale             vali 
valley           vali 
valuable         mega valu; mega-preci 
value            valu 
valve            valva 
vane (of windmill)  veli 
vanity           auto-lauda; vani 
vanquish         vikto 
vapor            vapo 
vapour           vapo 
variance         vari 
variation        vari 
variety          vari 
various          vari 
vary             muta; vari 
varying          vari 
vase             (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
vast             fo-mega 
've (past tense marker)  pa 
've (short for have, own)  habe 
vegetable        planta; vegeta 
vehicle          vagona 
velocity         tako 
vengeance        puni 
venom            toxi 
venomous         miso 
ventilate        venti 
ventilation      fresko 
venture          audaci; risko 
verdant          kloro 
verdict          judika 
verdure          kloro 
verge (border)   margina 
verify           verifi 
verify (check)   verifi 
vermin           vermi 
verse            poesi 
version          idio-stori 
versus           anti 
vertex           gono 
vertical         orto 
very             forti (or short form fo); fo(-) (short form of forti) 
very ((almost) too much)  excesi 
vessel           kratera 
vessel (container)  (-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 
vessel (ship)    navi 
vest             intra-ve 
veto             veto 
vex              turba; vexa 
via              dia 
vibrate          oscila; vibra 
vibration        vibra 
vice (in place of)  vice 
vicinity         u para 
vicious          kako; mali 
victim           viktimi 
victory          vikto 
view             vide; vista 
view (n)         vista 
view (v)         skope 
vigor            dina 
vigour           dina 
vile             kako 
village          viki 
violate          viole 
violence         viole 
violent          viole 
violin           violina 
visible          vista 
vision           vide 
visit            visita 
vista            vista 
vital            bio 
vivid            forti (or short form fo); fo(-) (short form of forti) 
vocabulary       verba-lista 
vocal            voka 
voice            fono; voka 
volume (amount)  volumi 
volume (space)   volumi 
voluntary        volu 
vote             voti 
vowel            vokali 
voyage           viagia 
vulgar           krudi; vulga 


wag (oscillate)  oscila 
wage             paga 
wager            divi 
wagon            vagona 
waist            meso-soma 
wait             atende 
waiter           servi-pe 
waiting          atende 
wake             vigi 
wake up          sti vigi; vigi 
waken            vigi 
walk             ambula; gresi 
walking          ambula 
wall             mura 
wallet (for money)  bursa 
wan              palidi 
wander           vaga 
wane             mei 
want             volu 
war              milita 
ward (care)      kura 
ward (division)  mero 
warden           kura-pe 
warder           kura-pe 
warehouse        stora-do 
warm (emotional)  kardia 
warm (friendly)  ami; amo 
warm (temperature)  meso termo; termo 
warmth           termo 
warn             monito 
warrior          milita-pe 
wary             kura 
wash             lava 
wash bowl        kratera 
waste (use without good purpose)  disipa; lose 
watch            horo-me; skope 
on watch (ship)   ergo 
watch over       alexi 
watchman         kura-pe 
water (n)        aqa 
water (v)        aqa 
wave             unda 
waver            no-sura 
wax              ceru 
give way         cede 
in that way      so 
in this way      so 
way (manner)     mode 
way (method)     mode 
way (road)       via 
we               na 
weak             debili; flaci; no-resista 
wealth           pluto 
weapon           arma 
wear             habe epi se 
wear out         noku 
weary            fatiga 
weather          meteo 
weather forecast  prognosi 
weave (textile)  texi 
web (network)    reti 
wed              game 
wedding          game-ritu 
wedge            kune 
week             setimana 
week-end         setimana-fini 
weekly           setimana 
weep (cry)       lakrima 
weigh            ponde 
weight           ponde 
light weight     levia 
weird            misteri 
welcome          bene-veni 
well (adj)       vale 
be well          vale 
well (good)      boni 
well (healthy)   sani 
well (water)     fonta 
well-known       famo 
west             ocide 
western          ocide 
wet              aqa 
wet (v)          humidi 
what person?     qo-pe? 
what?            qo? 
whatever         ali-ra 
whatever (any)   ali 
whatever (no matter what)  no-gravi 
wheat            Tritikum 
wheel            ciklo; rota 
when             kron 
when?            qo-tem? 
whenever         ali-kron 
where (relative, =at which punctiform place)  topo (or short form to) 
where?           qo-lo? 
whereabouts?     qo-lo? 
wherever (adverb)  ali-lo 
whether          si 
which (relative pronoun)  qi 
which?           qo-pe?; qo? 
whichever        ali-ra 
while (temporal)  tem 
whip             flagela 
whirl            gira 
whisk            apo; kine; mixa 
whisker          barba 
whisper          susura 
whistle          sibila 
white            leuko 
whiten           leuko 
who (relative pronoun)  qi 
who?             qo-pe? 
whoever (anyone)  ali-pe 
whole            holo 
wholly           holo 
whom?            qo-pe? 
-wick (village)  viki 
wicked           kako 
wide             lati; plati 
widespread       panto-lo 
width            lati 
wife             fe-sponsa; gina 
wild             agrio 
(growing) wild   silva 
will             volu 
will (future tense)  fu 
willing          volu 
willingness      volu 
wily             tekno-mali 
win (victory)    vikto 
wind (air)       venti 
wind (twist)     serpenti; strepto 
wind along       serpenti 
window           fenestra 
window (computer)  fenestra 
wine             vini 
wing             ptero 
winter           frigi-tem 
wipe             frika 
wire             (-)fi 
wisdom           sofi 
wise             sofi 
wish             desira; volu 
wish (hope)      spe 
with             ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon); 
                   kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko); plus 
with (=by means of)  per 
with (=together with)   
                  ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon); 
                   kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko) 
withdraw         cede; versi 
within           intra 
without          minus 
do without       cede 
witness (n)      testi-pe 
witness (v)      testi 
wizard           magika-pe 
woman            fe; femina; gina 
wonder           mira 
wood (substance)  ligni 
wood (woodland)  silva 
woodland         silva 
wool             lana 
word             verba 
work (have the desired function)  funktio 
work (n)         ergo 
work (v)         ergo 
world            munda 
worm             vermi 
worry            turba; vexa 
make worse       ma-mali 
worsen           ma-mali 
worship          adora 
worth            valu 
be worth         valu 
worthless        vani 
worthy           digni; merito 
would (conditional tense)  sio 
wound            trauma; vulne 
wrap             involve 
wrap in          involve 
wrap up          involve 
wreath           korona 
wreathe          korona 
wreck            navi frakti 
wrestle          lukta 
wriggle          serpenti 
wring            tortu 
wrist            karpu 
write            grafo 
writing          grafo 
writing pad      bloka 
wrong            falsi 
wrongdoing       ero 




yard             atri; korta 
yarn             (-)fi 
yeah             ja 
year             anua 
yearly           anua 
yearn            fo-volu 
yell             voci 
yellow           xanto 
yes              ja 
yesterday        pa-di 
yet              a-nu; ankora 
yield (cease opposition)  cede 
yield (give way)  cede 
yoke             zigo 
yolk             xanto 
yonder           u-la ('the there') 
you (plural)     vi 
you (singular)   tu 
young            ju- (short prefix form of juve); juve 
youngster (female)  ju-fe 
youngster (male)  ju-an 
your (plural)    vi 
your (singular)  tu 
yours (plural)   plu-vi; u-vi; vi 
yours (single)   plu-tu; tu; u-tu 
yours truly      saluta 
yourself         auto 
youth            juve 
youthful         juve 


zeal             kako-zelo; zelo 
zealous          zelo 
zero             nuli; zero 
zone             zona 

Datu: 2009-11-05,